Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dinner with good friends and star sightings

I had dinner last night with several of my architect buddies (from my previous life as a graphic designer working in Architecture) at the W in Hollywood. Jimmy Kimmel walked in with Guillermo and was nice enough to sit down for a photo with us. (You made it onto the blog Mark!)

I havent been able to write a blog post about festival, because the place where I was staying in LA the last couple days did not have wi-fi. Now I am at the airport, taking advantage of the free wi-fi, waiting for my flight to Sacramento. I will spend a week with my mom in Davis, before flying back to Chicago. Unfortunately my mom has dial up at her house, so it may take me a while to get a good blog post done about festival, but I have lots of photos so check back in the next couple days, hopefully I will get something posted.


  1. How fun!! Rubbing elbows with the rich and famous!! I'll look forward to your post and photos about festival. Meanwhile, have a great visit with your Mom!

  2. Cool! Can't wait to hear your take on festival!

  3. Anonymous2:51 AM

    What a colorful festival,I am looking forward to your photos with the star.Have a great visit with your mom.

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