So it seems like I have not been doing much, but I really have. It's just not a whole lot I can show you.

In the non creative realm I have been trying to tackle the excessive files we have accumulated in the file cabinets. I don't think we need every phone bill from the last 20 years as well as a lot of other unnecessary paperwork.
I also have a kitchen table covered with utility bills and statements that need to go somewhere. So I bought a
shredder, this thing is a shredding dynamo. I bought and returned a shredder two years ago, that overheated after only a few minutes of shredding and needed a 20 minute cool down before shredding anything else. This time I did my research and got probably more than I need, but boy does it work great.
I have also been preparing for
the classes I am teaching in February, buying paints, ordering inks, dyeing fabric, copying class notes and materials and organizing samples.
And I have been working on a project that I am doing with a group of other artists. I can only show a few details for a teaser.