I have stem cells on my mind.
60 Minutes had a story on some new stem cell research that is showing amazing results for regenerating spinal cord cells making formerly paralyzed mice able to walk. It is amazing that we are so close to so many medical breakthoughs. 60 Minutes went on to say that fertilization clinics dispose of unused eggs. Why is it more humane and Holy to throw away embryos than donate them to research that could potentially save lives? Throwing eggs away feels more like killing them than saving that live tissue and growing it into potential cells and organs to prolong life. Does the Bush admin perform little funerals for all of these eggs they insist should be thrown away?
Stem cells are like the fabric of life.

This is painted batting that is stitched onto hand dyed fabric. The batting is cut away to reveal the fabric underneath. I will probably do a satin stitch around the holes and layer this on more batting and backing fabric and quilt in the holes.

These are nerve cells. I thought this fabric had the look of nerve cells in the texture of the dye, so I painted the additional cells with tsukineko inks. I am not totally sure where this is all going, but it sure feels good to work on something. It has been so hard finding the supplies or tools I need to do this. I spent two days just looking for my box of scissors. It is soooo frustrating.