The best Surviving the Runway yet happened at Festival this weekend. Prom Night got under way at 5:30 Saturday night, what a blast we had.
Laura Wasilowski was the official judge who had the difficult job of choosing the winners of the tiara making contest.
To get into proper 80's attire, one must have hair spray, and lots of it!

Barb got a little assistance creating mall bangs from Luanne.

In preparation for his dance the prom king dons his mullet, constructed from two Brittany Spears, oops I mean Hanna Montana wigs, (thanks Robbi) bought at Target friday night, and a turquoise t shirt, splattered with paint in open studios saturday afternoon. Such a good sport, huh? It is amazing what Pokey can get people to do, lol!

A few of the Prom Chaperons:
Kelli Perkins
Belinda Spiwak modeling her 80's prom gown made by Glad.

This photo doesn't show my jeans very well, but I altered a pair of black jeans for that 80's look. I tapered them, painted and splattered bleach on them, then dyed them in teal RIT to give them that 80's overdyed look.

Melli Testa (above),
Robbi Eklow and I were also chaperons but Robbi had to e put in time out by Pokey. Those who know Robbi probably understand why Pokey had to do it, lol. As chaperons our job was to advise participants for 5 minutes if they answered an 80's trivia question correctly.
Barb's getting her boogie down.

As part of a challenge to get feathers to adorn her tiara, this woman danced around the MIU area on the show floor, she even managed to find a man along the way and came dancing back with him, ultimately winning feathers for everyone.

Time to adjust those tiaras before hitting the runway.

Second runner up won by being the class slut, proudly identified on her tiara. She even had the nerve to cut in on the Prom King and Queens dance!

First runner up.

The winner! The top prize was this huge box of Aurofil thread, is that a dream prize or what!

There were lots of videos shot, be sure to check out the video on the
Quilting Arts blog.