Quilting Arts Workshop DVD's

Rebecca from VT has already asked for a supply list so she can be ready to go when her DVD arrives.
Here's the supply list for anyone interested:
- 1/2 yd white pfd fabric (the sizing in non-pfd fabric may cause the paint and gel medium to not bond as well)
- Paint brushes: several different sizes (you can use foam brushes for covering large areas but you will also want some smaller 1/4-1/2 inch wide bristle brushes for painting the second layer of paint)
- Acrylic soft gel medium semi-gloss (I think Golden brand is the best for this technique)
- Transparent and metallic textile paints (no opaque paint)
- Black permanent pen/marker (Sharpie)
- Images to collage printed on bond paper (use copyright free images from Dover books or go here)
- Scissors for cutting paper
- A junk mail catalog intended for the trash, I use this when painting gel medium onto the paper images, just turn the page for a clean gluing surface
- Plastic for protecting work surface
- Decorative or handmade papers
- Brayer (for making a good bond between paper and fabric)