What is it about rules that make us want to break them. Rules can be very limiting or totally inspiring. The new rule in the
International Quilt Festival World of Beauty contest is “no sharps” meaning nothing sharp on a quilt, due to barbed wire being on a quilt a year ago. And as many of you know our group quilt Fauna, done before the rule change, was rejected from this show because it had copper wire on it. You can see the gorgeous panel that caused the problems

I guess it must be my natural rebellious nature that when some one says something is not allowed, especially when it comes to making art -specifically quilt related- I want to do it. My head has been spinning with ideas of more ways to incorporate metal with quilting. I think about the potentially great quilts that would not be eligible because of this rule, and I want to make them, as an example of what they will be missing.
I understand the reasons for this rule: insurance, special handling during judging and hanging, but unfortunately it is also limiting to the possibilities of new and different art. Without changing ideas, techniques and imagery, it all begins to look the same, it looses its energy and is no longer exciting. It becomes just another quilt show.
You probably won't be seeing this in Houston.

This is an 8" square of copper screen with painted Lutradur stitched to it. The embossed metal house has open doors to reveal a 2" x 3" painting that is machine quilted.

It can also stand up on a flat surface.