Last night I had a fabulous dinner with friend and fellow
PAQA member
Trish Williams at
La Sardine. La Sardine is a wonderful French bistro in my building that has Prix Fix night on Tuesdays, where you can have a 3 course gourmet meal for $25. YUM! After we finished every last drop we realized we should have taken pictures, but we were so distracted by the deliciousness of our meal, good wine and great conversation that it never came to mind.
Trish is holding an origami ornament my son
Ty made. Ty made quite a few ornaments to sell at Christmas to pay off a new laptop he got this fall, but business was not so good this year and he was left with a bit of inventory. I bought his remaining ornaments to give to friends.
I am off tomorrow for a get together with some friends for a non football weekend. For those who partake in the sport, enjoy the game!
hi judy, hope you have a wonderful weekend getaway. i checked out your son's origami blog, amazing work he's doing!
ReplyDeletei'm not usually much of a football fan but this superbowl has pittsburgh, my birth hometown against phoenix,my current hometown. so i can cheer for both sides and be happy, however it turns out.
Your son's work is beautiful! The first thing I thought of, is if he has tried using PMC (Precious Metal Clay) flats using his origami skills? I don't have the origami skill or PMC knack but LOVE the jewelry you can form. Maybe another way for him to make some $ with his talents...fun.
ReplyDeletewww.pmcguild.com, www.pmcsupply.com