I love seeing where people make their art, what inspires them and gets their creative juices flowing. Well evidently
Pokey does too, she created this incredible special issue. You are going to love this, there are studio vignettes (little sneak peeks into CPS and QA artists studios), and a section featuring some fantastic studios that are the ultimate in art making environments. Pokey has a to-die-for studio make over and then there are some fun projects to personalize your studio.

Boy, was I surprised to see myself on the table of contents page, but just look at all the artists and good stuff included in this issue. Click on the page to read it.
I admire
Jane Davila’s custom designed studio with furniture she built herself. I can't believe how perfectly stacked her fabric shelves are, come on Jane how long does it really look like that? lol.
Mary Fisher has the ultimate dye space, that sink, I am so envious, and wow what a studio!
Jane Wynn’s space is filled floor to ceiling with bins and drawers that you know are filled with the coolest (and creepiest?) stuff on the planet.
Sara Lechner wins the award for the studio with the most artistic charm, a European white washed hayloft. Oh, I swoon.
There are so many wonderful studios in here with great ideas for organizing, I could go on and on. You have to run out and pick up a copy, it is supposed to hit store shelves April 1st, but I have noticed many stores put them out earlier.
Here I am in my studio, it’s a rare thing to see my table this clear. At least I have it documented to prove that it was this clean once.