
Thursday, May 01, 2008

3 Year Blogiversary!

My friend Julaine left a comment mentioning her site meter will soon be hitting 10,000 (go visit she has a prize for the lucky 10,000th visitor). Thinking about this type of blog land mark made me realize I have now had my blog 3 years! That is amazing to me. Since I was a teen I have tried and failed to keep a journal numerous times. I just didn’t like writing that much, especially to myself. What did I have to say, that I didn’t already know? I would much rather draw pictures and make things. Now I see my blog has become what I never realized a journal could be, a place to document my art and share it with others.

I have found the blog is a great resource for me to turn to on past projects. It is funny how many details one can forget, I guess this is one of those things that is not going to get any better with age. There have been many times (yesterday, as a matter of fact) that I needed information about a particular piece of artwork; size, materials or process and I may think I remember everything until I go back and look at the blog post and lo and behold I have forgotten a couple crucial details.

Through the blog I have learned so much from people. Several years ago people asked me if I taught workshops and I had to tell them no because I really didn’t know what I should teach. When people ask me questions on the blog about how I work and what products or tools I use I realize what people would want to learn from me. I appreciate this kind of feedback so much. This has really helped me move forward with taking the plunge into the world of teaching and WRITING!

You have no idea what a block I have had about writing, I would not have believed it possible a few years ago if some one told me that I would be writing magazine articles. Now I have written seven articles for Quilting Arts and Cloth Paper Scissors! I won’t even go into how unfathomable the whole Quilting Arts TV thing is. If you know anything about panic disorders you will realize how huge that is. There is nothing like facing your greatest fears to work through them.

One of the best things about having a blog is making connections with people from all over the world! I love that we can share our ideas, experiences and images with each other no matter where we are. The world is now our neighborhood, and we can go door to door and visit every day.

I would like to say thank you to all of you who visit my blog and have actually read this far. Thank you!


  1. Thank you for blogging! It is so inspirational to look at your pieces and see how you work. You are also obviously a good teacher. Look at the difference between the two pieces that your sister did!
    Please keep inspiring us.

  2. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Judy, You have been an inspiration to so many of us with your blog! I'v learned so much from reading and seeing your work. Congrats on your 'anniversary'!

  3. Congrats on THREE (WoW) years! You're blog always delights....and here's wishes for continuing great good fortunes !

  4. Happy Blogaversary!!!You are very much an inspiration!

  5. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Judy, I am a friend of Frieda's (I found you from her blog)& now I feel like a friend of yours from reading your blog. Thanks for an interesting, educational, inspiring, fun blog. Congrats on all your accomplishments...

  6. love the cake honey!!
    happy blogiversary - i remember when you first started it i was walking you through setting it up - now i'm asking you how to do things!
    love you tons!

  7. Judy,
    I agree with everyone else...your blog/teaching is awesome! I, too, feel as if I know you. This gives all of us insight into the "workings" of the life of another artist. Congrats!

  8. And thank YOU for all the beauty you bring us. Congrats!

  9. Congratulations Judy

    Your blog is terrific!! Kudos to you for providing a PROFESSIONAL blog with interesting information about your creative process.....I subscribe to many blogs and yours is by far the best! Keep it up! You are an inspiration!

  10. Thanks for such great compliments! I am very flattered. I want my blog to inspire people to try new things and have more success with their own artistic pursuits. So I am glad to know that it has been helpful in that way.

  11. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Thank you so very much for "being there" for so many people. I am often "sparked" to make art after seeing your work here and in magazines. Your generosity astounds me. Many congrats to you .


  12. Judy, thank you so much for sharing your creative world through your blog, articles, and tv appearances. You are the best! Cheers.

  13. Oh yes, you inspire me constantly! [And blogging seems to help that also since I want to share new things.]
    Panic disorders? Me too. Really bad. So if you come to the NW to teach, you will understand if I 'duck' out during class...hopefully I will be back! ITMT I want to get your DVD or the magazine, for help with my poor poor painting/dyeing...

  14. Judy

    Thanks for blogging! I'm relatively new to it, but just love that you are more 'accessible' than just being a fantastic teacher through a magazine or the TV.
    New Zealand

  15. Happy Blogiversary!! Congratulations on sticking with it, and reaping the benefits -- like your magazine and TV work! And thank you for sharing your talents.



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