
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Houses article part 2- construction!

Hey, the Cloth Paper Scissors issue with the house construction directions is hot off the press. If anyone goes through with making a house, please send me photos, I would love to see what you make.

Quilting Arts Workshop DVD's

In other news Quilting Arts has just announced the release of the first 4 workshop DVD's. My workshop on mixed media painted fabric is one of the first four. This is the technique used to make the fabric for these houses and my tote bag. If you are a visual learner like me and need to SEE how something is done instead of read about it, this is the way to go.

Rebecca from VT has already asked for a supply list so she can be ready to go when her DVD arrives.

Here's the supply list for anyone interested:

  • 1/2 yd white pfd fabric (the sizing in non-pfd fabric may cause the paint and gel medium to not bond as well)
  • Paint brushes: several different sizes (you can use foam brushes for covering large areas but you will also want some smaller 1/4-1/2 inch wide bristle brushes for painting the second layer of paint)
  • Acrylic soft gel medium semi-gloss (I think Golden brand is the best for this technique)
  • Transparent and metallic textile paints (no opaque paint)
  • Black permanent pen/marker (Sharpie)
  • Images to collage printed on bond paper (use copyright free images from Dover books or go here)
  • Scissors for cutting paper
  • A junk mail catalog intended for the trash, I use this when painting gel medium onto the paper images, just turn the page for a clean gluing surface
  • Plastic for protecting work surface
Optional Supplies
  • Decorative or handmade papers
  • Brayer (for making a good bond between paper and fabric)


  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Hi Judy!
    I really enjoy reading your blog. You always give so much great info. I am scheduled to go to both your classes in August in Atlanta. I am REALLY excited about that too! I am working on a small mixed media quilt based on your directions from the Apr/May QA magazine. Instead of tea bags I found this absolutely awesome product to use. It's called Kimwipes. My husband brought them home for us to use around the , other clean up stuff. They are low lint wipes that a lot of manufacturing people use when they need to wipe things they don't want lint on (camera lens, glass...) anyway, I traced my picture, covered it twice with gel medium, several coats of paint and NO TEARING!!! The absolute best part is this...they come in 14 x 16 inch sheets , 140 per box! The background literally disappears on the fabric , just like you said the tea bag does. This would really increase the size of your potential design as opposed to the tea bag size. I'll take a couple of pictures to send you so you can see how my practice piece is going. I didn't want to do one too big since I didn't really know if the Kimwipes would work. Anyway, if you're interested in trying them out, I'd be glad to bring you some to try in August. I do think you're going to love them though!
    I am looking forward to getting your new dvd also! Do you have a book in the future? I'm sure that it would be a hit.
    Thanks again for all your hard work !
    Carol Sloan

  2. Besides the DVD, there will be a 'download' version also, "coming soon". I have got to get this as my experiments are turning into trash can liners....

  3. I want to live in a full-size house that looks just like your art houses!

    Lettting everyone from my link list know that my 10,000th visitor is coming soon, and that lucky person will be receiving a gift - take a peek!

  4. Anonymous3:16 PM

    hi judy, looking forward to your new QA dvd, does it cover working with inks as well as paints & mixed media/paper stuff? after your post about teaching your sister deb how to work with the textile paint to get nice shaded results for the fiesta ornaments, i'd love to learn how you do that, as well as your ink work.

    also, very intriguing info above about the kimwipes from fellow fan carol. wonder if they sell these at any local chain stores?

    now if only i could clone myself, to be able experiment with all this fun stuff and still keep a semi-sane household going too.

  5. Hey Carol, don't you love discovering some new material that can be repurposed for art? Thanks for the tip. My mom just left me a message saying that she read my blog and just tucked a few boxes of kimwipes in an envelope and popped them in the mail. She is a research scientist, so I guess they have lots of those laying around the lab.

    I have been approached by a couple publishers about a book, but I have not been able to wrap my mind around exactly what it should have in it. I do not want to repeat what other books have already put out there. Maybe I should create a questionnaire to find out what people want to know or would like to see in a book from me.

  6. Hi Luanne, my first advice is give up on the house,lol.

    I made two DVD's for Quilting Arts, the first one being released is on the mixed media painting technique using paper, gel medium and textile paints.

    The second DVD I made is painting fabric in a more illustrative manner. In it I cover all the techniques I showed my sister. The painting that is on my sidebar workshop button with the bird is the painting that I did for the DVD.

    Maybe if I get the opportunity again I will tackle the inks. I know there are a few people who have already released DVD's using the inks, I haven't seen any of them myself though.

  7. Hi Judy
    That's awesome that your mom uses the Kimwipes! You will love them. I posted a picture of the paper quilt on my (new) blog...if you get a chance, have a look at it and see what you think. Your directions were so clear and easy to understand. I am looking for a quilting pattern similar to the one that you used.
    I think that your idea about a questionaire is good. I will be so bold to add that even if the subject has been done before , different people teach in differnet may be able to help someone that another teacher couldn't.Same for products, colors, tools...each teacher brings different things to the table.
    Oh, and the lady that ask about buying Kimwipes.I don't think they are available outside industrial/lab supplies but I am going to talk my husband about buying a case and I'll put them on ebay. Then we can all try it!
    I just have to say again that I love your work...the colors, the images, all so beautiful.


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