
Sunday, December 23, 2007

Oh, the weather outside is frightful...

The wind is howling up to 60 mph winds and it is 15 degrees. That means a wind chill varying from -8 to 4 above zero F. brrrrrrrr....


  1. Merry Christmas Judy, I love this sweet piece. It's beautiful-stay warm.

  2. Merry Christmas!
    Love your art!

    ~The Bella Modiste~

  3. Judy do you use any of the Pebeo Setacolor 'finishes' in your work?
    Dick Blick has this list of them~~~ Use Lightener, Thickener, Colorless Masking, Fabric Glue, Expandable Paint, Taffeta Finish, Gold Glitter Finish, or Silver Glitter Finish.~~~~I admit the silver glitter finish has me curious...

    The 'colorless masking' would be like wax in batik?

    thank you!

  4. Vicky, I don't use any of the special finishes. I don't think most of those are well suited for the type of painting I do. I think a lot of those finishes are good if you want texture and "eye candy"on a more abstract or graphic piece. The only extra I use on occasion is colorless extender, which makes the paint more transparent but keeps the consistency of the paint the same.

  5. Thank you Judy for your answer. had to go and mention 'eye candy'...that will set me off for sure. Good thing my craft budget is zero $ at the moment! ?;)


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