
Saturday, December 22, 2007

Happy Holidays!

I want to wish everyone a very Happy Holiday, with good health and happiness in the coming year.

My daughter Nina illustrated this portrait of our dog Abby in photoshop for a Christmas card this year. Abby has recently discovered her love for candy canes after finding a half eaten one lying within her reach.

I don't know about you but, Christmas came so fast this year and I feel so unprepared. I never had a chance to go shopping, I bought ALL my presents online for the first time and am getting nervous that several presents for my kids may not make it on time. This feeling was not helped when I heard a train headed for Chicago derailed yesterday full of UPS packages. Today I am going out to get a tree and am looking forward to a few days to relax, with only knitting and cooking on my agenda.


  1. The peppermint doesn't hurt Abby? I can imagine my dogs' tummies making all kinds of noise after chowing down on a candy cane, it can be quite musical. {then it can get rather ripe in here when the rumblings make it to the end of the gut}

    I was prepared for Christmas, but it still snuck up on me. I did a lot of online shopping too, but my girlies went out and faced the maddening crowds. I did have to go out and buy the ladder I wanted to give my husband....

  2. y days to you and a fulfilling new year! My Greyman and i have opted out of Christmas for the last three years--so much more relaxing!!!

  3. oops that should be Merry days~


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