
Thursday, June 02, 2011

Homemade Whoopie Pies!!!!

It was pouring rain, nothing to do outside on a sunday afternoon, so Nina had the brilliant idea of trying to make whoopie pies. These are a treat that anyone growing up in New England would have fond memories of. It is like a chocolate cake sandwich with creamy filling.

A box cake mix would probably work just fine for making these, but I used my favorite Chocolate Zucchini cake recipe, omitting the cinnamon and baking the cake at 350°. The cake is very moist, so they can be a little sticky but oh so tasty! I was thinking of dusting them with a little cocoa or powdered sugar to help with that.

To make the individual "buns" we experimented by pouring big spoonfuls of batter on parchment lined baking sheets and baking them for about 6 minutes, but they spread too much and looked more like big pancakes. 

So we switched to pouring about half the batter straight onto a large baking sheet/jelly roll pan lined with parchment. See, there are other uses for parchment paper than fusing! The batter was about 1/4" thick and then I baked it for about 9-10 minutes, until it was springy to the touch. After the cake was cool, we used a biscuit cutter to cut out circles of cake.

For the cream filling I used a delicious recipe for a boiled butter cream frosting that has the perfect consistency, it's not too sweet and tastes a lot like whip cream. They came out perfect!

1 comment:

  1. it is so hot here in TX that i never out the oven on and just discovered the Italian panne cotta to which i add esspresso powder.


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