
Tuesday, February 07, 2012

International Quilt Festival Houston classes!

It's so exciting, I just got my schedule in the mail for this falls classes at festival, holy cow am I going to be busy! For all you Tsukineko ink enthusiasts I am teaching two classes again this year! So you'll have twice the opportunity to get in. I even got booked for a luncheon lecture, thank goodness it's on my first day teaching, I should be fairly coherent at that point, lol.

My full schedule is:

Tuesday, Oct 30
Tsukineko All Purpose Inks (6 hours)

Luncheon Lecture noon-2pm
Inspiration: Where Does It Come From?

Wednesday, Oct 31
Painting Imagery for Art Quilts with Textile Paints (6 hours)

Thursday, Nov 1
Tsukineko All Purpose Inks (6 hours)

Friday, Nov 2
Ornamental Fiesta (6 hours)

Saturday, Nov 3
Heavy Metal Play Day (6 hours)

It's going to be an action packed week and surely a blast like festival is every year. If you've never been, maybe this year you should take the plunge and go to the biggest quilt show on the planet and meet lot's of kindred spirits who get just as excited about it as you do.


  1. I would love to try painting with the tusukinedo inks. I use the stains to antique my pieces and love them and like the idea of painting with inks.


  2. Gosh this is so exciting! I can hardly wait until we can sign up for classes!

  3. I will try to sign up for your classes. I enjoyed the class at last year's festival.


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