
Thursday, November 24, 2011

8 of Cups progress

I am finally getting some time to work on my latest piece. I decided I want the quilting to have less loft and dimension and instead have more stitched illustrative details, so I am using wool felt instead of batting. Luckily I had a big piece of yellow felt that a friend gave me during a recent purging that was just the right size.

I placed a layer of Mistyfuse between the felt and the painted top and did the same with the back. I wouldn't do this with batting because the fusible web penetrates the batting, glueing both the top and back together reducing the loft of the batting, but for this project that is not a problem.

For the back I used left over fabrics that had mistyfuse already adhered to them from the Agave quilt I made several years ago. I don't do fusible applique very often so the fabrics have just been sitting on the shelf not getting used.

For the quilting on the cups, I am using back thread in an illustrative way, using it to create more visual dimension that looks more like drawn lines.

That's it so far, I don't think I will make very fast progress on this piece right now. I have a very busy couple of months ahead of me, not only with the holidays, but I need to start clearing out possessions and get my place ready to put on the market in January. I am planning to move back to California in the spring. I need to stop living in the limbo I've been in the last three years and take my life back and that begins with moving and getting my divorce finalized. Never thought I'd be starting my life over at this age, but hey if it doesn't kill ya, it will make you stronger right?


  1. Whee!! Sounds like you're making progress in several areas of your life. Thanks for sharing the process of fusing and quilting your beautiful new quilt.

  2. The quilt is beautiful, I really love it. Good luck with the moving and one thing I've learned is that its never too late to start over. :)

  3. Such beautiful details on your quilt, good luck with your move and be kind to yourself.

  4. Good luck Judy with moving back to California. I have a friend who is starting over after 30 years of marriage and dating him 8 years before that. I think it takes a lot of courage to start over at any age.

  5. This piece is wonderful, Judy! I am so glad I finally got to meet you in person in Houston and happy to hear that you are moving West. I hope your new life is full of wonderful things that you will continue to share on this beautiful blog. Happy Thanksgiving.

  6. Diane N1:48 PM

    This latest piece is amazing. Every time I think you can't amaze me more than the last piece, you do. I am grateful for this blog and the sharing of your work and life that you do here.

    This starting over is a hard thing to do but we are all here to support you, even the ones like me who have never actually met you. I think when the dust settles you will be fine. You are an amazing and lovely woman who is especially gifted. When things get tough, just remember all of us out here who are wishing you well and cheering you on.

  7. I should have sent you ALL MY MOVING BOXES!!! Take charge girlfriend and find your "warrior woman spirit" -it sure helped me! A power greater than us is in charge and ALL IS WELL. I feel like your world will open up and the universe will shine on you :)

  8. YOU. CAN. *DO!* THIS. (Happy Turkey Day from the unofficial president of your WKY fan club.)

  9. It's a beautiful piece...good luck with everything else that's going on.

  10. Judy, as Diane N. said, just when I think you can't amaze more than the last piece of art, you knock me out with something new. I love the illustrative quilting. It adds so much detail to an already outstanding piece. Thank you for always inspiring me and for being so real. You will soar where ever you are, Chicago, California, or outer Siberia. You are a strong, capable woman who creates beautiful art and has a support system of women who want only to see you happy and to succeed in whatever your heart desire. ((Hugs))

  11. Your art work will get you through the next few months, and will help keep the balance in your life through the changes ahead of you. You never knows how strong you can be until it happens to you, and I am sure, that like so many of us, you are not only a survivor, but someone who can turn the negative experiences into a more positive future! We need the bad and sad things that happen to us to appreciate the good and we can use these challenges as our inspiration to create more beauty in the world around us and become the beautiful people we are meant to be. Stretch your wings and fly; its thrilling, scary, uplifting, and breathtaking, and so wonderfully worth it!

  12. Every morning we awake to a new person...we are always creating as we make our Art from the heart. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  13. Thank you all for your words of encouragement and support, you have no idea how much it means to me. I know there are so many women who have been where I am now and that gives me strength to know that I'll be fine, if not better. Where would we be with out our amazing women friends? xo

    Cindy, I could use your boxes! I wish you weren't so FAR away! I will be channelling my inner warrior woman and maybe one day after I get resettled, I can make a trip to Alaska where I've heard the male female ratio is a good one! lol

  14. Good for you Judy! You can do this and it's wonderful that you have become strong enough to move on. Best wishes with the sale, packing and moving!

  15. Another beautiful work - the quilting is wonderful. I am in love with the filigree, all the images woven within the cups and the colors especially.

    The warrior comment above reminds me: years ago I saw a exhibit of contemporary "warrior vests" that women had made - the outside was soft and feminine and the inside had all sorts of strong talisman images that they held close to their hearts and souls.

    Don't we all need something like that occasionally?

    Congratulations on the big move and all the best - Chris

  16. Wow Chris the warrior exhibit sounds very powerful, such a great concept for working through.

    Well I'll feel congratulations about the move when it finally happens, lol. It's not going to be easy, so many factors to juggle in doing it. I'll be glad when its behind me!

  17. Maybe you can gently shift your point of view about the move. It CAN be an adventure. Honest! It's also a perfect time to jettison all kinds of things you no longer need or want. I guarantee, if nothing else, it'll give you comic fodder for a long time!


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