
Wednesday, August 03, 2011

A Trip to Hoffman Fabrics

After my long weekend in northern California, I flew south to meet up with my gal pals Leslie Jenison and Jamie Fingal to hang out for a day and tour Hoffman Fabrics before heading to Long Beach for festival.

The surf culture influence was all around from bolts of Hawaiian print fabric to the warehouse walls lined with surf boards.

Michelle Flores, on the right, was our wonderful tour guide. I first met Michelle at dinner last year in Houston.

Michelle pulled samples of some of the new batik lines to show us.

Look at all those bolts of fabric,

sorted by theme.

This is machinery that folds the fabric onto bolts.

In the evening Jamie made us a fabulous dinner, then we soaked in the jacuzzi with glasses of wine and lots of laughs.


  1. I have not heard of Hoffman fabrics in years. They do not call on shops in small towns and my local store Creations, Kerrville, TX does not attend the show in Houston. they were always fun fabric.

  2. I love Hoffman fabrics, that would be a awesome place to go through! Did you get any samples?? Thanks for the great photos.

  3. OMG! I am soooo jealous! Great photos! What a lucky ducky you are :o))

  4. Can you buy stuff there?

  5. Hi Connie, Hoffman donated fabrics for me to use in my Make it University workshop, which was a huge help! Their fabrics are gorgeous!

    Hi Anne,
    It's strictly a warehouse/offices where the fabric comes in from production and gets put on bolts and shipped out to stores.


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