
Tuesday, November 09, 2010

IQF Houston Day 2- Color Theory

Wednesday I taught color theory.  I have had an online version of this class running for the last couple years, so it was very interesting to do the class for the first time to a room full of students. I really didn't know how much we would be able to accomplish in 6 hours considering the class usually runs 9-12 weeks online.

I had wonderful enthusiastic students who were eager to try out new color explorations, mixing paints to create color palettes for a number of charts.

I included 6 charts in the 16 page hand out and several students managed to complete 5 of them, which was more than I ever expected, since I also gave a powerpoint lecture, split into two parts for the morning and afternoon sessions.

It was a lot of information to absorb in only 6 hours, so I was thrilled when several students made a point to stop me, after class on the show floor over the next few days, to let me know how much they enjoyed it and learned in the class.

Many of us teach classes and workshops or have booths at festival and dinner together is such an important part of the day for us.  By the end of the day, we all have low blood sugar from not sitting down to rest or having time to eat a proper meal and needing to be focused on meeting the needs of our students or customers. It can be more depleting than I know I ever realize, until I stop and sit at the end of the day. 
Jamie and Leslie

Christine Adams and Rachel Perris

Carol Ann Sinnreich and Michelle Flores

Leslie Riley

Me and Melly


  1. Your Color Theory class online was da BOMB! Whoop! Whoop!

  2. jojo said it!!!! The online class was wonderful...looks like your students in this class really got to work!

  3. I agree!! Your online class was great! That is a ton of information for one 6 hour class. I'm impressed that your students accomplished so much. You're a wonderful teacher.

  4. Awwww, thanks! You all were great students too ;-)


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