
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Auckland workshops

This is a group shot of my first class with the Auckland Patchworkers and Quilt Guild teaching Tsukineko Inks. We had a great day with our class just down the road from Glens at a boating club.
The following day we moved to another part of Auckland to have the painted whole cloth fabric class.
These are just a few of the many wonderful paintings worked on Saturday.

It threatened to rain but held off over the weekend.

Hazel, my host for the second half of my stay in Auckland, is an avid gardener with the most beautiful flowers around her home. While admiring the many blooms we came across this large and dark golden bumble bee burying his head deep into each blossom.

This is a New Zealand Monarch caterpillar
and a round balloon shaped milkweed pod, so different from the ones in the states that I always thought looked like fish when you opened them up.
Here is Hazel next to her gorgeous award winning quilt hanging in a guild competition titled My City. Hazel had several Best of Show awards in her sewing room at home.
This beautiful group of butterflies hanging on the wall in Hazels house stopped me in my tracks. They are painted, stitched and beaded batting! Guess who's Quilting Arts article on painted batting inspired her? :-)
On Sunday Hazel and her husband Ed took me up to the top of Mount Edens, a volcanic cone, with a lovely view of the city.
Then we met up with Glen and drove over to a seaside suburb called Devonport with shops, galleries and outdoor cafes, it was sunny and warm. With such wonderful company it was a perfect day.

I was very excited to buy several skeins of possum wool. I first heard about Possum wool a few years ago, that it was supposed to be very warm and soft.

The possum in New Zealand, not like our rodent type one in the US, was brought over from Australia. Unfortunately with no natural predators its population has grown out of control and destroys the natural flora and fauna of New Zealand, it is considered a terrible pest here, much like the cane toad introduced in Australia.


  1. WOW!!!! What an amazing time you must have had there.
    The work produced by your students is incredibly inspiring.....or did you just happen to be conducting a workshop with a room full of already accomplished artists?

  2. Amazing! What a wonderful adventure you are having! Thank you for taking the time to share some of it.

  3. Your student's work is beautiful! That is a sure sign of an excellent teacher. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos of your trip. New Zealand looks like a place I'd love to visit!

  4. What beautiful work your students are doing! Hazels work is fabulous too. It looks like you have found lots of inspiration while there. Can't see what you do with the bee in the flower. She is beautiful!

  5. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Thanks for sharing what a great time your having!!

    Question. In the whole cloth painting class that you now teach are you using the Tsuk inks? or fabric paint? and have you tried the Inktense pencils? I need to get ONE of the above just not sure which?
    If anyone else has any tips while Judy's in New Z please let me know

  6. Thanks everyone!

    Lori In the whole cloth class we are working with textile paints. I am teaching that class in Long Beach at IQF July 24th if you are interested.

    I have tried Inktense pencils but don't use them much, I feel like I have a little better control using Tsukineko inks or textile paints.

  7. Did you buy enough of that wool? Your students and their samples look fabulous. Your experience of your surroundings is a treat to read. Have even more fun!


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