
Friday, November 13, 2009

My first book!

I just self published this little portfolio of my art quilts and mixed media work using Blurb. I have seen several people write about using Blurb on their blogs and thought I would try it out myself. You can preview the book here.

The book is 7 inches square, 40 pages long, printed on premium paper and can be ordered with a soft or hard cover. One of the nicest things is that I can reorder any quantity of books whenever I need them without having to pay a whole bunch of money upfront.

I am very happy with the quality of the finished book. I love the size; small enough to fit in my purse, but big enough to get a good look at the work.

It certainly is not like making a book with a big publisher for distribution and all, one of these days I will get around to trying that too, but for now this was a fun baby-step into that experience.


  1. Congratulations! This is a great inspirational gift to give at the holidays. Thanks for putting the effort into self-publishing. Can't wait for the mailman to deliver mine.

  2. Yeah - I just bought your book. Can't wait! Congratulations! It looks FABULOUS!

  3. OK Judy, I have just been immersed in the Blurb web site for over an hour!! First, your book is lovely and features one of my favorite pieces you created "Primordial Sea." What a great resource link THANK YOU. I have published two children's ABC books with a popular and large China publisher etc. years ago and have always wanted to illustrate and create smaller, more economical quality runs of other books. Now, my brain is on creative overdrive...

  4. Thanks Melissa and Jojo!

    Cindy, I can hardly wait to see what you come up with. This newer printing technology really does open up so many cool possibilities when it comes to creating special little books.

  5. Congratulation Judy! The book looks extraordinary, and I will order mine! As I don't know when I'll have the chance to see your wonderful quilts in person, I will be very glad to have a book with them.
    Everything you do is very inspirational for your readers, artists or not.

  6. congratulations, judy! i just placed my order and can't wait to see your fabulous book!

  7. omg! that is so awesome, when my check gets deposited next week i am getting one. am i buying this directly from you, if so, will you sign it for me :-) i know i keep telling you this, but you are such an inspiration to me and i am sure so many others out there. chicago is sort of a long drive from da UP but mark's daughter lives there. do you ever give classes locally? i bet i could torture mark to go to chicago, he could see libby and i could take a class from you. yipee!

  8. I'm familiar with a lot of the works on the book preview though I didn't realize you were the artist behind them!! How prolific you are. Don't we love living in this world of internet and self publishing! Looking forward to its delivery so I can really be amazed!!

  9. Hi, your works are beautiful, warm greetings, Wanda

  10. Susan, you would actually be buying the book directly from blurb.

    Unfortunately I won't be teaching at Festival in Chicago this year, I will be traveling to New Zealand then. Hopefully our paths will meet up one of these days with a class ;-)

  11. Congratulations, it looks very professional and is very beautiful!

  12. I want one :) It is something I aspire to, what you have achieved. I love the Machine quilting. Now all you to do is come and teach in Australia :)

  13. Jane, I am booked to go to NZ at the end of April for 3 weeks, find some one to book me and I'll come :)

    Happily Quilting Natalie

  15. Congratulations, Judy,
    The book looks like a gem! Rosemary

  16. Judy, congrats, what great news!! My husband Greg has been checking into Online digital publishers. Are you happy with the printing quality and the binding? Have you had a good experience with Blurbs customer service? Thank you.

  17. Hi Roxi,

    The color is very saturated, and the images look good. I only bought the soft cover books so i can't speak for the hardcover version, but the pages do not seem like they are ready to fall out or anything, it seems pretty well done. They have a pretty fast turn around, less than a week for printing, I think they are based in washington so for me the time comes in shipping. I have not had to deal with them for customer service beyond dealing with the website and that has all gone easily and smoothly.

  18. I received my book a couple days ago. It is lovely!
    I will enjoy looking at it over and over.
    Thanks so much for creating it!

  19. Your so sweet, thanks Leslie!

  20. Book looks beautiful - I made a Portfolio using Blurb and its such good quality.

    Am now working my way through photographs and creating "family albums".

    Quilts look as good as ever. send some to the Festival of Quilts in the UK so i can see them in person :)

  21. Judy, I followed your footsteps over to Blub. After spending way too much time browsing the bookshop I downloaded the software and began to get to know it. I agree, it's easy to use and I liked having the choice of pages set up for me or changing them to suit. I bought your book and I wasn't disappointed, either in your content or the quality of the paper, binding and printing - it's lovely! And last week, I 'published' one of my own!

  22. Kay Susan, thanks for purchasing my book! I know you will be so happy with the results of your new book, it is so wonderful holding a printed/published collection of your work, bravo!


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