
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Garfield Conservatory

On Saturday, I took my son to his origami society meeting at Garfield Conservatory here in Chicago and decided to take a walk around the botanical gardens and green houses.

Many of the plants look like things you typically see in yards and gardens in California, so even though there were many pretty plants there were not that many that looked particularly exotic to me, except for in the Fern room.

It was so humid, warm and incredibly green. I love curled fern fronds, the spiral form is just so beautiful.

I love these, doesn't it look like there are little stitches on each side of the veins?
The coy pond was beautiful with a waterfall and Dale Chihuly lily pads.

I tried to get a good picture of the large coy who kept sucking gulps of air, but the reflection from the greenhouse skylights kept obliterating the fish in most of my photos.

These palm tree stems were so vibrantly orange.


  1. Looks like a lot of inspiration, there! A feast for the eyes (and probably the nose, too)! Thanks for sharing the pics.

  2. That was beautiful. I love the leaves with the stitchery look to them. And the lily pads look like fancy saucers.

  3. Great photos! Love the curled frond and the "stitched" leaves... what are the orange twiggy things with green berry things? Awesome color!

  4. Great photos! I'll have to try & get there myself. Such wonderful colour.

  5. Beautiful pics! I especially love those bright orange branches. Such wonderful contrast to their dark green polka-dot counterparts.


  7. Gorgeous pics! I love botanical gardens and conservatories! I've got some from Kew Gardens in London to post soon.

  8. love the close ups! i miss the tropical plant life of kauai...i mean you just take all the green and colors for granted. doreen speckmann and caryl fallart would always rave about all the natural light in my studio and the color saturation of all the stuff that abounds on kauai...i totally get the light thing now since in da UP there is so little of it and what there is isnt that bright...oh well. my son, mikko, was talking to me about hawaii rainbows. now, there are rainbows and then there are the rainbows of kauai that almost hurt your eyes to look at, they vibrate with color and the intensity....have a good time in ca

  9. awesome photos! its also reallly cool that your son belongs to an origami society! i didn't know there was such a thing!

    thanks for the color inspiration!


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