
Friday, February 06, 2009

North Suburban Needle Arts Guild

This week I gave a lecture and taught two workshops for the North Suburban Needle Arts Guild. What a great guild, there are quilters, doll makers, beaders, knitters, etc., basically all kinds fiber artists. I taught Painting Fabric for Whole Cloth Quilts the first day and using Tsukineko Inks the second day.

Because I consider these technique classes where I am teaching people how to use these mediums I do not want them to stress out about coming up with an image or needing to be creative, they can do that after they have learned the techniques, so I provide images that I have drawn for students to work from.

I love seeing the different ways people paint the images. There were so many beautiful paintings, I wish we had time to take these through being quilted too. I would love to see the stitching bring out the details.

For the Tsukineko inks class I have students work from old copyright free engravings of flowers, vegetables, birds and insects. I like using these images because the lights and darks are very clear, helping with the shading. I teach two different techniques for applying the inks and I have students begin the class working on white fabric and then progress to more complex images on light hand dyed fabric (dyed with RIT in the microwave).
Such a fun group, we covered a lot of techniques, everyone was relaxed and did wonderful work.

I will be teaching these same two classes in April at the International Quilt Festival in Chicago, if you are interested in learning these techniques I would love to have you in my classes.


  1. These are sew cool! How fun your workshop must be. Particularly since you created the image yourself - and to see all the different "takes" people have on it by virtue of color and stitching, etc. Love the images too - particularly the bird.

  2. Great to see Alice Jenks still has purple hair. What a super gal!

  3. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I would love, love, love to take those classes but I doubt I will be able to make it to Chicago. Is there any chance you'll be teaching them at the International Quilt Festival in Houston in October?

  4. I love that you provide images to work from so that you students can concentrate on the technique, design is always a stumbling block for me and makes taking classes stressful.

  5. Donna, I have not been notified officially about the classes I am teaching in Houston yet, but Lesley Riley who puts together the mixed media classes (the section where you are most likely to find my classes listed) told me that I will be teaching the painted whole cloth and the mixed media painted fabric.

  6. the class looks like it was a success!! congrats.
    (hey don't forget, I want one of your metal/bird type quilts...)

  7. what a wonderful idea to provide the base design. you're right, that way the participant isn't worrying about coming up with something incredible on their own (in front of others), and by providing those vintage illustrations, they can better understand shading...all wonderful. I love the idea that the materials and techniques really get the focus, what a great way to teach. great work.

  8. I love the colors everyone comes up with. Even the pinks!

  9. Thank Judy for posting those photos. As a long time memeber of NSNG who has not been at meetings in perhaps 3 or 4 years it was good to see some friends photos.
    Of course I relaly enjoyed the work and wish I could have squeezed your class and lecdture in my schedule.

  10. I almost splurged on a set of inks a few weeks ago, but I talked myself out of it...after seeing this, now I wish I had splurged! Beautiful work...wish I was closer to Chicago (or that IQF overlapped with NeoCon!)

  11. I'm intrigued by the idea of dyeing with RIT in the microwave. Do you have instructions posted about that somewhere? Your things are so beautiful -- I simply must figure out a way to visit them in person.

  12. Oops! Looks like I should have read on -- I'll have to pull out that Quilting Arts and see if it's in there. How did I miss it?

  13. Judy, your students look like they are having so much fun, and producing really nice work in such a short time. Wish I could take that class with you! Maybe some day ...

  14. Looks like they had fun! Hey, save me some of those bird images.

  15. Judy,
    I love that you are providing the images for the students to practice technique on! This is brilliant! I just took a class where the teacher did the same thing, and as a student, I really appreciated it. Congrats on the Houston gig! I guess that means for sure I will be seeing you there!

  16. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Wow! That looks like such a great technique. How much do I crave to take a good art quilt class to get myself out of the 'just make one dangit' phase.

  17. Judy - Have you ever thought of designing fabric? I love your bird images.

  18. It has definitely crossed my mind.


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