
Friday, February 20, 2009

North Carolina

I have been checking out the sites of Western North Carolina for the last week, staying in Winston Salem and taking day trips to Charlotte, Greensboro and Asheville.

Across the street from where I am staying is a gallery space for The Associated Artists of Winston Salem. Last night I went to an opening for their latest juried show called Exposures. The prospectus for the show states:

Works entered should in some way incorporate photography. Mixed-media is strongly encouraged, though any artistic medium may be entered (photographs, painting, collage, mixed media, sculpture, etc.) as long as the finished artwork incorporates at least one photograph or photographic image.

There was a lot of really nice work including a few textile pieces and I had the pleasure to meet blogger friend Karen Newman Fridy who lives in the Winston Salem area and had two pieces in the show.
The first day I was in Winston Salem and walked around the corner of the gallery and recognized Karen's vessel in the window. I sent her an email and Karen told me about the opening.

I love blogs, they are such a wonderful way for us to meet friends from all over the world.

On Tuesday, my kids and I drove up to Asheville, it is about 2 1/2 hours west of Winston-Salem. We parked downtown and the first store we saw outside of the parking garage was a wonderful bead shop, Beads and Beyond my daughter immediately had a few purchases to make.
I have always heard such great things about Asheville and was so excited to finally have the opportunity to visit. When I saw the yarn shop right down the street I new this city was a great place to be.
How cool is this sculpture a little further down the street for all of us textile lovers. North Carolina was a huge textile industry state, sadly most of our fabric is now made overseas. Don't you think the Chicago School of Fusing needs to have one of these on their campus?

Such a fun place with a lot to explore and so beautiful. I can only imagine how breathtaking it must be in spring and fall. Hopefully I'll have the opportunity to see what that is like one day.


  1. Asheville is fabulous. I live a little over 3 hours away and visit at least once a month. Did you get to Earth Guild, the Woolworth Walk, Cloth Fiber Workshop, and the Biltmore Station yarn shop? How about the Folk Art Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway in town? The Grove Park Inn? Please tell me you went to Waechter's Silk Shop. I hope you had a ball.

  2. Love the iron!! Sounds like you guys are having fun.

  3. I have always wanted to visit Asheville! Thanks so much for the mini-tour. North Carolina truly is beautiful.

  4. Love the iron! Those Ashevillians really know how to please a Chicago School of Fusing gal. I declare Chicago and Asheville as sister cities!

  5. Thanks for the list Anita, I think it will take me a couple trips to see all that.

  6. It hasn't been that long since I was in did I miss that iron? Way too cool...

    I'm so glad you were able to come to the opening! It was great meeting you and I hope our paths will cross again soon

  7. Sounds like you liked NC...I'm sure that NC loved you!

  8. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Anita covered all of the arty spots I could think of. I haven't been in a while, but Asheville is a neat little town. I always made it to the Folk Art Center. Another not to be missed place -- the Biltmore House. Not art as such but an incredible look, from historical and anthropological perspectives -- into the life of the very rich in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Certainly alot of beauty from which to get inspiration.

  9. I spent a term in Asheville in my college days (went to college in Wisconsin-- it was like a term abroad, but it was a Term in Appalachia -- Asheville was our home base as we studied the culture of the area. I have longeg to go back there ever since-- even very seriously considered moving there in 2001.

  10. I hope you went to Old Salem. I love that place and Winkler's Bakery. I will have to look for this place next time we visit my mom-in-law, she lives in Winston.


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