
Thursday, February 26, 2009

More Robot love

Referencing yesterdays post about Susan's robot piece, Cindy from Art Making in the North left a comment with a link to Fobot Found Object Robots by artist and creator Amy Flynn.

I love these! Amy makes these fantastic sculptures from vintage tins, toys and hardware, each one is unique with so much personality. Amy also has a blog so you can keep up with her latest creations and see where she is exhibiting.


  1. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Thanks for pointing me to these web sites and yesterday's site. They are cool! Of course, I had to add them to my Reader. I have been saving up metal objects (found and otherwise) to eventually use on an art quilt. These sites are definitely fun and inspirational.
    Thanks again.

  2. Hi Judy-thanks for the post from the post. And just to keep the COOL robot circle going, I posted your new post on my blog. I LOVE how we have the power to share and "meet" so many great artists across the country through artful blogging! xox

  3. Oh what a very clever (and really cute too) piece of art! I'm so luving it. :))

  4. Looks like a kid going to school with his aspirin instead of his lunch box. At least he knows which direction to travel.

    Judy, I'd love to see more of your quilts. Can you steer me in that direction? Do you have a website?

    I liked the pots you posted back in 2007. Nice work.


  5. Thanks Micheal, I have yet to meet an artform that I do not enjoy.

    I do not have a website I use my blog for everything right now. There is a link at the top of my blog on the header for art quilts and another for mixed media.


This is my old blog, please visit my new website at

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