
Saturday, December 06, 2008

One of a Kind Show

On Friday, I picked up Laura Wasilowski and Frieda Anderson at the train station and we drove over to the One of a Kind show at the Merchandise Mart in downtown Chicago. It has sort of become tradition since I have lived in Chicago. It is so much fun lunching, chatting and looking at all the art. We always enjoy seeing fiber artists at the show and spend extra time admiring their work.

Susan Hedin, from Minnesota, quilts saturated jewel tone and neutral colored silks in a contemporary geometric style. You must go to her website to see her work in all its glorious color.
Mimi Damrauer has a booth at the One of a Kind show each year. Frieda and Laura have been friends with her for years. Mimi's sister, Marcia Derse is also a talented textile artist and often has a booth in the IQF shows.
Mimi posing in her beautiful booth with a Crate and Barrel ad featuring a rug she designed for them.Debra DeWolff from Wisconsin makes beautiful whimsical jewelry combining felt balls with polymer clay. Frieda had to try on several in her color palette.
Look how color coordinated Debra and Freida are.Some how we managed to miss Susan Hinckley's booth, the show was really big this year. I saw this piece hanging in a display as we were heading out. I love her work and am so happy to see she now has an internet presence. Susan's work is humorous and beautifully made with felted wool and embroidery, incorporating messages with words cut from paper. Susan also has a blog now.


  1. Wow! It looks like you guys had a great art-filled day.


  2. Anonymous5:13 PM

    hi judy, thanks for sharing all this artist candy... i'm so envious, you get the best shows there in chicago! so much inspiration.

    i hope despite the poor economy these wonderful artists were getting some sales.

  3. All the work is so beautiful. I particularly like Susan Hedin's framing on her pieces -- it's so understated and elegant and really finishes off the work perfectly. The jewelry looks great on Frieda! I hope she bought one.

  4. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I didn't make it to the show this year. After seeing your pics, I am sorry that I didn't go. I don't remember there being any textiles at the show in the past.

  5. O I am so glad to see these pictures. I missed being with you guys, but it looks like things have really improved on the fiber front. I especially loved seeing my old pals doing great work. Deb DeWolf is so great!

  6. You were sorely missed Mel!

  7. It's always good to see fiber artists at these shows. And I had a great time with you and Frieda too!


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