
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Have you been making New Years resolutions?

I am not the best at making resolutions, my usual goal is just to get through the next year in one piece with a conscious effort to live it in gratitude and creativity. That includes making art myself and helping others make art by sharing the skills and techniques that I know.

If you want to start your year off with a boost in your understanding of color and how to make it work for you, take my online Color Theory Class. I am going to start the next session January 12th. It is a 9 week class for $60, you can read more about it here.


  1. I am taking Laura Kater Woods class, but I will do a plug for yours on my blog when I talk about my goals for next year.

  2. I have not made a new years resolution in years. I don't like lying to myself.

    I maybe I will take your class.

    It could help me to stay focused throughout the year.

  3. I am AWESOME at making resolutions, keeping them? Not so much.

  4. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I just stumbled over her via Rice's blog, and I'm glad I did! Wonderful, fun stuff you have here.


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