
Wednesday, September 03, 2008


For sometime I have wanted to try making some vessels. I have several ideas I want to explore. Besides trying different shapes, I of course want to include metal.

I suppose it would have made sense to make one without adding metal first to try and work out the logistics of how to put one together, but I always want to do it all, so before I begin I just think it through as far as I can and deal with technical issues as they come up.
One thing I learned making this was that the copper metal is much harder to cut than the aluminum or pewter. My decorative scissors did not like cutting the edge on this. The second problem was realizing I could not stitch the seam all the way to the top with the copper stitched all the way to the edge. It is too hard to stitch through two layers with the added bulk of Peltex.
I used my mixed media painted fabric technique to make the fabric for the vessel.
I love the combination of the soft green metallic paint with the copper.


  1. This is really lovely. Marjorie

  2. Just when I think you've created your most beautiful thing yet... It's absolutely wonderful. You're so inspiring!


  3. very lovely...i ordered the cps for the dreamhouses only to realize it was a two part series. now i need to get the first one, duh...but they came very quicly in the mail. i even subscribbed. i love reading your blog, always something new and interesting and your tutorials are awesome. mahalo nui loa


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