
Friday, July 04, 2008

4th of July

I wish I could catch in a photo what we see from our balcony. In the distance we see all the fireworks displays from every suburb, so the horizon is filled with fireworks, one right next to another. I can't even count how many there are. Unfortunately the closest ones are blocked from our view by the Harpo studios building.
All the buildings in Chicago color their lights for every holiday. Today they are all red, white and blue.

I hope you had a Happy 4th of July!


  1. The Trees block the view on the front side of our house and it was too wet to sit on the back side of our house.

    I heard the fireworks but did not get to see them.

  2. Judy can you go to the roof of your building?? Then Oprah wouldn't be in your way *smile*

    I watched some of the neighbors display, you know the kind, generic fireworks done in the yard. I laughed when some went ground level right into the yard across the roadway. [we live on a 'private' road, what was once paved is now lumpy] We are in the rainy part of the NW, so I wasn't too concerned about fire.

  3. We do have roof rights but not on that part of the building. Our roof area faces downtown where there are fabulous fireworks but all the skyscrapers block any possibility of seeing them.

    I was surprised that many of the fireworks displays went from 9-midnight here. In California you'd be lucky to get an hour of fireworks. This year I bet a lot of shows were canceled because of the fires.


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