
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fun Festival Pics

Frieda and Tracy.
The sisters: Tracy, Deb (my sister), Me and Allison (Tracy's sister).
Helen in the Quilting Arts booth. I love it, my daughter Nina went through a phase when she was a toddler making that same expression in every photo we took.

Here's one of our pictures of Nina making "the face" when she was 8 or 9 months old. So you just know Helen is young at heart.

Open studios with my PAQA pal Trish Williams.Look at all that color! The Art Fabrik booth has to be one of the most vibrant in the vendor hall, with the lovely Laura Wasilowski.
I had to document this historic moment in the Quilting Arts booth (with Primordial Sea in the background) holding both magazines with my artwork on the cover and the Studios issue where I was featured in the vignettes section. This is definitely a high point in my career, thanks Pokey!


  1. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Hi Judy,
    I've joined your fan club, thanks to this month's QA... loved your cover quilt, how you slowly built the visual relationship between all the elements, and then the overall motif! So much inspiration in one little article, but then, to discover your blog here too! Any chance you'll be teaching anywhere out west (I'm in Phoenix) in the future?

  2. Hi Luanne,

    Thanks so much for the compliment :)

    I have just recently put together my workshops and begun accepting teaching engagements, so far nothing in Phoenix. Maybe one of these days...

  3. Anonymous9:38 AM

    lol, I have to show Helen the comparison with Nina! She's going to scream...

  4. Congratulations Judy,
    Highly deserved - three publications, two of them on the cover - your head must be spinning.....

    I have been a fan of your work ever since I found your blog. Thanks for sharing your working process - it really helps to see work in progress.

    Ms. Fall 2006 - head still spinning a bit ;O)

  5. Thank you, thank you, my head is spinning!

    By the way, your studio renovation is gorgeous, what a dream.


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