
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Deb's Fiesta Ornaments

My sister Deb wanted to make a Fiesta Ornament before she went home, so she pulled out my designs and sat down and began to paint. Deb is an altered art/mixed media artist, she uses paint in her art a lot but not the way I do.
She started several designs and was unhappy with her results and said she wanted to watch me paint. We each pulled out a bird design to paint and I walked her through the steps of mixing the paint in gradations and painting the different parts of the bird painting solid areas, gradations, glazing and adding details.

This is Deb's bird after the lesson. What a difference from her first, Pretty darn good, huh?This is the bird I painted for the lesson.
Then she painted a few more on her own and took them through the final steps of quilting, sewing the metal and embossing it.
Fantastic ornaments Deb!


  1. your sister did great! like i have said before, i love those ornaments. i was bundled up, sitting out back eating a salad for lunch and watching the birds...going for the suet was a hairy woodpecker and then here comes this other one, i was thinking if that was the female, she sure was small. i watched the birds for about an hour, couldnt take anymore...barely has hit 30 today...came in the house and consulted my little bird book and lo and behold they are two different birds...the bigger is the hairy wood pecker and the smaller the wooly wood pecker. they both have they same streak of red on the head, black body and wings with white spots...what a trip. i also love the golden finch. above were TWO pairs of bald eagles soaring...gosh...i love living here!

  2. Well, Judy, this is also great testament to your teaching abilities. And I just got my e-mail yesterday about the new DVD workshops from QA. I want to put in my pre-order for your workshop and I'm wondering if you have a supply list you could post? Perhaps it is already posted at QA? I know I will want to jump right in as soon as the DVD arrives. Perhaps QA would consider adding this to their website?
    Thanks--I can hardly wait for my copy.
    Rebecca in Vermont

  3. Hi Rebecca, thanks! and my wish is your command, I have posted the supply list in a new post about the dvd's. I will mention your idea to the folks at QA.


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