
Monday, February 11, 2008

Mixed Media Paper Quilt- Finished?

I was torn with how I should quilt this since the over all look began to feel like an aged document. I thought if I quilted around the elements like my first inclination would be, that it would be too predictable a thing to do, so I decided to take a risk and do quilting that was totally unrelated to the design of the piece but related to the aesthetic of the piece.

I found a gothic tile design that I modified into a pattern that could be stitched. After quilting the design I used a copper paint stick and shaded in some of the pattern. Then the bird and butterfly started to feel lost in the design so I pulled out some colored pencils and added a little color. Working with colored pencils is so fun. Once I started adding a little color here and there I found myself touching up little areas all over. Now I think it is done.

The total list of materials and techniques is:
white cotton fabric, teabags drawn on with permanent ink pen, tea labels, dry cleaning tags, sewing pattern, fabric with xeroxed imagery, textile paint, rubber stamps, Tsukineko inks, Shiva paint sticks, colored pencils, machine quilted on wool felt.

If I have time this week I might be tempted to start another. I'll see how I feel after I get my first B12 shot. Heck I might feel good enough to pull out the vacuum cleaner.


  1. Anonymous3:22 PM

    I love this piece of art....Wonderful imagery! I am amazed by your creative ideas and appreciate your willingness to share. Could you tell me how you transfered the tile design to the surface of the paper quilt? thank you so much....


  2. Susan,

    I traced the design onto tracing paper. (seen in the small photo) I cut a few small holes in the paper away from stitching lines and used scotch tape to stick the paper to the quilt by placing tape over the holes. I stitched through the paper and the quilt and then tore it away when I was done.

  3. Awesome, Jude!
    I love it when the quilting line adds another layer. It's so much better than just outlining would have been.

  4. Vickie, I am so glad to hear you say that, after I had quilted it, my first thought was that I had ruined it, that it was too busy. When I added the shading I felt like it became less busy then it started to grow on me. I had to put it aside and not look at it for a day, then look at it fresh before I felt like it was really ok after all.

  5. Wow, Judy, I totally love that quilting. It adds depth. But I can totally understand how risky that felt before you did it! You GO!

  6. Anonymous12:07 AM

    gorgeous result. Love what the quilting adds to it, very clever indeed.

  7. It has been fascinating to watch this evolve and the quilting pattern is perfect. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Following this step by step has been inspiring. I love the finished piece-it's nothing like I imagined it would end up. Thank you so much for sharing.

  9. Your work inspires me. I watched this quilt grow from you first posting, I never expected that it would turn out so well. Taking risks is worth the chance of .failure especially when it turns out so beautifully

  10. Ok,now I want to try this! I love the tile quilting,it pulls the piece together in a wonderful way. I keep going back to it and each time I find something new to like!

  11. The quilting really adds another dimension to this piece. It turned out so much better this way than just outlining would have - I love it!

  12. This is incredibly beautiful. The tile design just made it. Love the colors! Enjoyed your blog today. Love, Wyanne

  13. Oh Judy--this is so wonderful! The colors make me want to sing. The complexity makes me what to stay awhile and ponder every inch. It's really stunning! Kelli

  14. Kelli, I take that as a huge compliment coming from a wonderful collaging paper quilter like yourself!

    Hey I hope you are going to be at the Chicago IQF show again in April. My sister Deb and I will be working open studios in the afternoons.

  15. What a beautiful piece, you are such a talented person. The quilting is just perfect for the piece. Thanks for the tutorial too.

  16. Judy, I not only love the paper quilt, but the fact that you take the time and trouble to explain your thought processes ... so helpful to those of us who are still struggling to find our own voices. Thank you.

  17. Hi Judy, this is a wonderful piece. I like the way you got over your problem. I always get stuck somehow at a moment and the ideas you can get are really the interesting part of it!! :-)

  18. i love this--fabulous! how do the colored pencils work for you? i've tried everything to set them, to keep them from smearing on fabric. you've probably addressed this somewhere else already--

  19. I have never actually had a problem with them smearing, but you could try painting a light coat of fabric medium over them or give them a hit of artist spray fix.


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