
Monday, November 26, 2007

Quilting Arts December

The new Quilting Arts is out. I love this cover, it is a detail from a beautiful quilt by Catherine Nicholls.

This issue has some great work in it. First of all the feature is Pam Rubert, can't go wrong there. My good friends and fellow Gomez sisters Vickie Hallmark, Frances Holliday Alford and I, each have an article. Also included is the work of German artist Sara Lechner who does wonders with a felting machine. She has a great blog.


  1. thanks for the review of Pillars of the Earth. I contemplated reading that one next. I got my copy of QA and the only complaint is that your article is too short. More Judy-less everything else. Love the birds you painted-is that part of a larger piece to come?

  2. Hi Dee,

    You are so sweet, When Pokey asked me to write about painting batting in the beginning I was a little dumbfounded about what I would write, and I didn't have that many painted batting pieces to show. I just knew it would work and that it was a really interesting alternative material to use. Lots of potential yet to be explored.

    When I write my articles I want to encourage people to try new things, not just copy what I have made, so I try to give people a good starting place and hope they will think of things I have not tried and come up with totally new ideas.

    Since I made the piece for the Warm Ad, seen at the end of the article, the Warm Co. has since asked me to go on Quilting Arts TV (second session of taping) and demonstrate this technique. So you will get to see more of that sometime in the future, and it will probably be more than 3 minutes. ^_^

    I am also working on a two part article for Cloth Paper Scissors right now for the spring.

    I am thinking of using the birds in a larger piece. I have been painting lots of small pieces to possibly work into a bigger quilt. I will start posting the little paintings over the next few days.

    I am 3/4 of the way through the Pillars of Earth and looking forward to starting the second book World without end. I am really enjoying it.I could paint forever listening to a good story.

  3. Judy, I loved your article on the painted batting. I can't wait to give it a try to add yet another dimension to my creations. Very beautiful!

  4. Hi Judy, I haven't had a chance to read the QA magazine yet, but your article looks great and I saw the ad that you're featured in too. The whole issue looks fantasstic. btw, my last name is spelled with a B as in RuBert -- thanks for the link. When I get around to posting the mag on my blog, I'll link back here to you.

  5. More than any other article in the most current Quilting Arts, I was inspired by yours on painting and quilting directly on batting. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and putting a spark in the reader!

  6. Twila, you have made my day! thanks so much for the good review. ^_^


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