
Friday, July 20, 2007

IQF Silent Auction

This is going to be this years contribution to the silent auction in Houston. I started painting this at the Quilting Arts virtual studios during the IQA Chicago show.I pulled it out yesterday and started the quilting by outlining all the images. After quilting all of the black area I will trim it and finish the edges. I am thinking about using this aqua rick rack with another 1/4" ribbon to finish it off.

My son is starting to get calls for appointments with reporters for the origami exhibit. Yesterday we had a Chicago NPR reporter in our loft interviewing him for 40 minutes. I was so impressed, this guy had that NPR reporter sound and asked him great questions. Next week he has an interview with a reporter from a Chicago neighborhood newspaper. He is pretty surprised that he is getting this kind of attention. I don't think he realizes the extent of what a big deal it is to be in a major college gallery show at 13.


  1. Judy: that is so COOL! I love that he's surprised by the attention. AND of course, more celebrity encounters at the Perez residence. Sheesh!

  2. I love your little quilt! your images are so bright and sharp. Mind if I ask what kind of paint you use?


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