
Thursday, November 09, 2006

Homeschool Teen Craft Fair

This week I have been helping my kids do the last minute preparations for the teen craft fair this friday. They have been in high production mode and want to make some cash!

Ty is selling Origami ornaments. Primarily these sonobe modules and also oragami raindeer.

Nina has created a line of stuffed monster dolls in polar fleece and soft velvety fur.

These are the next few in progress.


  1. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I am very impressed! ...the ornaments are beautiful, and the monsters have so much character ... both should go like hotcakes.

  2. What a killer idea, to have a teen craft fair. Too few kids are learning crafts these days... well compared to MY youth in the 70s crafts hayday.

    The crafts look awesome! Good luck!

  3. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Your children seem to have inherited your talent! Very nice.

  4. So talented! I'm entranced by the ornaments and I'd love to see the reindeer.

  5. Judy,
    These are wonderful!! Michael jumped completely out of his socks upon seeing the origami. So colorful and wonderful! I am drawn to the monsters and plan to show them to Olivia tomorrow, I know she will just love them! Kudos to both your kids!

  6. Anonymous8:26 AM

    They look so cool. Please tell Nina, as fans of Ugli dolls, we are in love with her more spirited creations.

    Kim from Relaxed Homeskool


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