
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Beta-Blogger beware!

I am so annoyed , I fell for the blogger upgrade ploy that would let me change things on my blog so much easier without html etc. The posts are published immediately but so far that is the only benefit I have seen. Now i can't leave comments on other peoples blogs if they havn't upgraded to beta-blogger or some thing. Someone told me today that they were unable to leave a comment on my blog because of this upgrade. They really should have worked out the kinks before they offered this upgrade. And the really bad part is you can't switch your blog back! Argh!


  1. I am so glad to read this! I had considered "upgrading," but now that I know some of the issues, I'll wait.

  2. Really? No commenting? I haven't upgraded. Can you comment on mine? Will this comment show up?

  3. So far I have been able to leave messages, though I haven't upgraded. Sorry you're having so much trouble!!

  4. Anonymous5:39 PM

    ah you can get round it by "ticking" the identity that is marked "other" and then typing your usual name and blog site address (i copy and paste mine) - glad i avoided the change though!!

  5. If you go to the blogger beta forums they are all saying don't upgrade. I talked to my husband and he says Google says beta, but they really mean alpha. They are letting the users run into all the problems, thus debugging Blogger - "beta" for them. Kind of clever of them, sadly what is good for Google may not be convenient or even nice for the Blogger - "beta" users. Since you have obviously upgraded already I can only suggest that as you run into problems, visit the blogger beta forums and see if there are others with similar complaints. That way you won't drive yourself batty thinking you are doing something wrong.
    Google has officially said that all users will be upgraded to the new blogger eventually. So it is just a matter of time for the rest of the blogging community. Good luck!

  6. wow i wished i had seen that! thanks for filling me in.

  7. it only took me 6 tries to post that comment and I don't know if I can remember how I finally got it to work. let me see if i can do it again

  8. You can revert to your old template. There's a button in your edit template section to do it. I switched over for a day and didn't like the look of the beta.


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