
Friday, June 02, 2006

My kids first quilts

This is my son Ty's first quilt. He made it last year when he was eleven. I designed it and he chose all the fabrics, cut out each piece and fused it in place. I helped with the fusible seam tape because I did not want him to burn his fingers. He quilted along each side of the 1/4" seam tape, and did a beautiful job. He really enjoyed the sewing part of the project.

This wolf is my daughter Nina's first quilt, she made it when she was 15. She designed it herself. She enjoyed the process of designing and choosing the fabrics the most. When it came to the quilting, she had the least interest and had to be pushed to finish the quilt.

A few months ago she began sewing clothes for the doll she bought from Korea. She now has a whole new appreciation for sewing. She goes through all my fabric and creates clothing for her doll. She has never sewn a garment from a pattern before and yet she has figured out how to make all of these clothes.


  1. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Your quilts are just beautiful! Love your site and will return.

  2. 2 very nice quilts! Your kids are very talented.

  3. Your kids are very talented. Seems like they could team up - she could design and he could sew. Wow, I can't imagine doing work like that at my age, much less theirs.

  4. Those are great!


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