
Thursday, May 11, 2006

Goddess Icon

I have always loved religious iconographic art. For several years I have been thinking about creating my own little version of an icon. I like the idea of making an image of a Goddess in a tradional Christian iconographic style. I think Mary is the embodiment of the Great Mother. So this is an image of a Goddess in a style used to depict Mary. This blending of ideas reflects my spiritual thinking, I have referred to myself as a Christopagan, although I recently heard a term that fits even better- Episcopagan. I made this peice to be my self portrait to go with my Water challenge quilt for PAQA. It is 4" x 5" painted and machine quilted with a piece of metal that I cut and embossed with a knitting needle. This is sewn on with seed beads to hold it in place.


  1. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Wonderful Goddess! And, Christopagan, love it. I was raised Methodist, even taught a couple of Bible studies. The more I read the Bible, the more I realized the "church" has little to do with Spirit. I am now a pagan, and feel very much closer to Spirit.

  2. Beautiful, Judy! I'm glad there will be at least 3 goddess portraits for the water challenge...

  3. This is so fabulous, I love it - it is the best one. I want one please, please, please.

  4. Anonymous5:54 PM

    She's beautiful, Judy! Reminds me of the other quilted goddess we had in our "Episcopagan" group with Onnolee (I miss her).

  5. Anonymous5:55 PM

    She's beautiful, Judy! Reminds me of the other quilted goddess we had in our "Episcopagan" group with Onnolee (I miss her).


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