
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I am going to miss you Onnolee!

My dearest friend Onnolee Sullivan succumbed to ovarian cancer this morning. She was like another mother to me, as well as spiritual guide, knitter, needlearts lover and wonderful friend. I will miss our hour+ long phone calls, when we could say good by and talk another half hour several times over. She was always ready to listen, giving of herself to a fault. She is the most loved person i know, You could see it in peoples faces as they looked down adoringly into her twinkling blue eyes. I know her funeral will be standing room only.

Onnolee was diagnosed with cancer the week after I moved back to LA from Austin two and a half years ago. I know the universe brought me back to LA for those two years before moving to Chicago so I could spend time with Onnolee. I treasured every moment we were together, knowing time was limited. This picture was taken the day before I left LA for Chicago. I really hoped i would have a chance to see her one more time. The last two years have been difficult to say the least for Onnolee, it was so hard to see her losing her hold on life. I know she is no longer hurting and is at peace and I am glad of that, I am just sorry for the rest of us who love her and will miss her dearly.


  1. What a sweet story of friendship. I'm sure she appreciated you and all you did for her. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  2. She'll always be with you. A person doesn't really die until the last person who remembers and loves them is gone. Today you made sure that everyone who read your blog would remember Onnolee. She does indeed have beautiful eyes.

  3. Cancer makes me so angry.

    I'm very sorry for the loss of your dear friend.

  4. Oh Judy, I'm so sorry.

  5. I'm very sorry for the loss of your friend. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about her with us.

  6. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Your comments remind me to try to live my life in such a way as to leave such loving and gentle thoughts behind when I go to the summer country. Thank you for sharing the story of such a lovely woman.

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss. Maybe you can make an art piece in her memory.
    You have written a lovely tribute to your loving friend. Jen

  8. I'm sorry, Judy. Loss is such an awful feeling.

  9. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I too knew Onnolee and her wonderful, caring ways. I am deeply saddened by her struggle with cancer and her passing. I would be grateful to know about a memorial service for her if I'm not already too late.

  10. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Onnolee was a dear friend of mine as well, and a creative inspiration to many. She had such a vivid and delightful presence that it is hard to imagine that it now exists only in memory. Her memorial will take place at All Saints Church in Pasadena on Monday, April 24 at 1 p.m.

  11. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I miss her, too, Judy. It was so good to see you and visit with you these past few days. I will keep up with you through this blog! Kip Petit


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