
Thursday, June 23, 2005

Painted Batting

Before I made Lichen I experimented with painting on Warm and natural cotton batting. I wanted to find out what the surface would look like, would it absorb the paint like a sponge or would it sit on the surface. It seemed also like it would make a nice soft surface for embellishing by hand. I have these two, I made a third but sold it at IQF’s silent auction a few years ago (without photographing it first, so I can’t show you it)

I was happy to find that the batting did not soak up the paint like a sponge, and they were easy to stitch and couch on by machine and bead by hand without falling apart.


  1. i'm just amazed about this being painted batting.

  2. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Painting batting is really fun. Dyneflow colors the batting, Jaquard textile paints create a smooth almost shiny surface, especially the metallics. It stays soft and is so easy to sew. It would be ideal for people who love embellishing.

  3. One other thing I discovered, about felt-y type batting at least, (quite by accident) It can be melted away from your stitching with a heatgun to create a very interesting lacy effect.

  4. I love the painted batting

  5. Painting batting is such a good idea. I haven't tried painting anything - except a wall and I painted it white.


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