
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Making progress in life and art

This is my initial drawing on fabric as the base for my painting. I started with an anatomical heart from an old medical illustration engraving. I extended the arteries into curving vines to represent new growth and life. Below I have drawn veins from a heart, going upwards, which feel like barren trees, but also have the symbolism of roots to me. The fabric is about 3' x 6'.

Using acrylic inks and a 2 inch wide brush, I painted over the drawing with large brush strokes of color.

The only way to get a photo of the whole thing was to stand on the table, unfortunately there is a large shadow falling across it from the window.

Now the thing to keep in mind is, I really don't have a definite plan here. I am just doing it. I am trying not to worry about whether it will come out "good" or not, because really that is not the goal. For me right now it's about processing feelings, thoughts, aspirations hopes... just what's going on personally.

Cicadas, I love the way they buzz in the trees, communicating with each other in circular pattens of sound and I think the growth cycles and transformations they go through in life are fascinating.

The Moon: deception, disappointment, dishonor
Strength: acceptance, courage, optimism, heroism
2 of Cups: resolution, harmony, partnership
2 of Coins: need to balance, energy, amusement

The World: new life, the end of a cycle, attainment of purpose
Cancer crab: represents someone
3 of Swords: betrayal, separation, clearing the way for something better

Grieving the death of relationships, closure and renewal

Hanged Man: suspension, meditation, transformative thinking
6 of Swords: letting go, moving beyond sorrow, the road to recovery
Wheel of Fortune: positive change, progress, beginnings

The cards represented are ones that have come up multiple times in recent readings, so I think their meaning is significant and so very apropos.

More painting and layers of imagery to go.


  1. Wow! having a birds eye view of your process (so-to-speak)gives me chills, takes my breath away--makes my heart race--like I can't wait to close the computer and get to my own work table. You are a powerful inspiration. I sincerely thank you for sharing.

  2. WOW. Holy Cow THIS IS SOOO COOL!!! LOVE, love, love the meaningful details, especially using the Tarot cards -they they have the best graphics and meanings to visually illustrate emotional being. Cicadas, moon, heart -wow again. Sorry for your pain but your work becomes so original, passionate and vivid. xox

  3. This is amazing. At first I didn't have a clue how large it was, until I saw your foot in the photo. I love how you put everything together with all of your heart and soul. Sometimes I feel this is our best work as artists.

  4. I knew you were starting a heart...but your journey is so wonderful and I feel privileged to be able to peek over your shoulder as you create! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  5. What a positive way to work through what you're going through. And what a great experience for us to be able to be along for the ride to new beginnings!

  6. Thanks very much for sharing your process. (artistic & psychological)

  7. Your process is amazing and I am loving how this piece is coming along. I have used acrylics, but need to learn how to use them better, so will check out your tutorials.


  8. The veins receive blood from the capillaries after the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place.


  9. I have always admired your artwork, but the ability to put what you are feeling in such an amazing way is awe inspiring. This is such a moving, beautiful piece of artwork, Judy.

  10. This is so exciting!! You seem to have accomplished so much so quickly, both artistically and emotionally. The symbolism is esquisite--heart, moon, cards, etc. I also see a bit of meaning in the shadow cast on your photo of the whole piece.

  11. Thanks everyone! It feels like fast progress but it's really not, I have been working on this every day since saturday so that is 5 full days and well into the evenings on some days too. It is my meditation, I know it's helping because each day I find myself laughing a little more and getting a bit more of an apetite.

  12. beautiful Judy! It minds me of a tree of life, and the way I add personal symbolism. This is going to be/is already gorgeous!

  13. Wow! You are such an amazing artist. Keep listening to your heart.


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