
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Hot Summer Blog Giveaway Continues

with a downloadable copy of my DVD Design, Paint & Stitch from Interweave and a free spot in my online Color Theory class!

My DVD is about making painted whole cloth art quilts, it covers: 
The design stage, how I use photo-editing software to manipulate and size the original design.  
The painting stage, the tools needed for painting; an in-depth review of the types and properties of paints, strategies for painting, using freezer-paper masks and painting backgrounds. 
Machine quilting a wholecloth quilt; from planning and marking to batting, basting, and free-motion quilting. 
Then several non-traditional binding options for art quilts are covered.

For a chance to win, please leave a comment, between now and the end of the giveaway: midnight Friday, August 19th, telling me what technique or class you would be most interested in learning from me. I'll announce the winner, chosen by random generator on Saturday August 20th, remember to stop back to see if you're a winner.

If you would like to take Painting Fabric for Wholecloth Quilts with me, there are still a few spots in my class at Create in Lisle, IL, next week, Wednesday, August 24th.

Now, so that no one feels like they are going away empty handed, I'm posting a tutorial on one of the binding techniques included in my dvd.

Making a couched binding.

Besides doing a faced binding, another way I like to finish artquilts is to couch twisted cords around the outside edge.  It's a simple, clean, but a little fancy, edge treatment.

After blocking and trimming the quilt, I lay out several yarns to audition them, choosing yarns that have similar colors to the painting.

The first thing I do to prevent any cut quilted threads from unraveling is do a straight stitch very close to the trimmed edge around the whole quilt. 

To add more of a gilded look befitting the renaissance theme of this quilt, I used a metallic gold thread and zig zag stitched around the edge of the quilt twice with a fairly tight stitch but not quite a satin stitch. Sometimes a dense satin stitch around the edge of a quilt can stretch it and make it ripple. I was not too concerned with making a solid gold edge around the quilt, just add some extra sparkle next to the couched cording. 

I attach the cords by holding them under the quilt and sew a few straight stitches to secure the yarns to the back side of the quilt. Using an open toe foot and monofilament in the top, and a coordinating thread in the bobbin, I hold the clockwise twisted yarns up against the outside edge of the quilt and zig zag over the twisted yarns and the edge of the quilt.

This is a slow process, because the yarns tend to get very twisted and tangled if you are not careful. I usually put a couple of the yarns in separate little baggies to try and keep them from rolling away and really making a mess. I start twisting the yarn clockwise down the first side of the quilt, working a few inches at a time, when I reach the corner, I twist the cords counter clockwise for the length of that side of the quilt. Then I twist them clockwise again on the next. Switching directions of the twist on each side, helps manage all the yarns and keep them from tangling up too much.

When I reach the beginning, I pull the yarns to the back and do some straight stitching over all the yarns to lock them in place and trim away the ends.

Ta da, a simple clean finish.

Next, head over to Kelli, Lyric and Melly's to see what they have in store for you!

Wed August 17 Kelli Nina Perkins 
Thurs August 18 Lyric Kinard 
Fri August 19 Melanie Testa 

PS If you haven't yet, you should also stop by


  1. i am new to this method of quilting, so i want to learn EVERYTHING! these are SO beautiful!! pick me...pick me!

  2. I would love to learn everything too! I love to learn all techniques and then pick and choose what works for me.

  3. Great tutorial on the couched binding! Love your work and thanks for a great giveaway!

  4. I have seen couching used to outline figures and on binding for smaller pieces. Reading how you made the quilt and added Bambi was terrific and to see all the other items you made like the cicada house. It is your imagery I want to know how to embroider with out it all bunching up. The dreaded word practise must be there somewhere.

  5. Thanks so much for the binding tutorial Judy. Another none traditional one yay!
    Your book sounds like something i really need on my shelf's, i checked and i don't have that one yet lol.
    Soooo if nobody wants it, i am in! ( just kidding)
    But can i please have my name in the hat for the raffle?
    I would take any class from you since i have not had any classes at at.Will not go into details why, but i so much would love to have to possibility to take a painting class from you if i could choose.
    Thanks for sharing,

  6. Anything you teach is great with me - even letting me overhear you tell someone that the Bernia has the most wonderful satin stitch.,

  7. I would like to learn more about painting on fabric, something I have not tried. Thanks for the couched binding tutorial it makes a wonderful edge.

  8. I am imagining me in your online class. Thank you for your generosity!

  9. I have couched yarn on some of my small pieces, but never twisted them and now I am ready to give it a try. Thank you!

  10. looks like I have a lot to learn and would love to win your CD!

  11. I am especially interested in your color theory class. Thanks for the chance to win these great gifts!

  12. I'd love to see more of the nontraditional bindings. Thx for showing this one today.

  13. I love your painting on cloth techniques and so enjoyed the posts where you took us step-by-step through the deer quilt. There was another group, too, where I thought "hmmm...I don't know about this one" as you started layering the background colors and it turned out to be fabulous! I would love to learn how to do the precise painting.

  14. Color theory would be fantastic! This is a great opportunity, thank you!

  15. I would love to take your Painting Fabric for Wholecloth Quilts class! Sadly Create isn't in the cards for me this year.

  16. This is my first visit to your blog. I have seen so many things I want to learn! I'd love to win your prizes. I want try your couched binding on one of my small quilts that are stacked awaiting completion.

  17. Color theory is something I would love to learn! Thank you for the tutorial and the giveaway!

  18. Lalie8:57 AM

    I would love to take your whole cloth painting and quilting class.
    I've made pumpkins and felted ornaments from your tutorials in the past and I just love all of your quilts and projects :).


  19. WOW - your quilts are gorgeous! I'd love tolearn some of your techniques!

  20. Your approach is so different from mine I know I would be stretched, and a good thing too, if I could learn from you. Wonderful blog roll. Thanks!

  21. I have just begun to try painting on fabric - not a lot of success! I need your help - you have so much to teach.

  22. I've been a quilter for years but never successful with color! I would love to learn from your DVD and your Color Theory class. Each time I see your quilts, I have to stop and gaze at your use of color, detail, and the pleasurable sense that comes from viewing your quilts. I need to learn from you!
    Love, love, love your work!

  23. Wow, I don't know much about the quilting arts, so anything you can teach me would be great, I would love to learn how to make a journal cover or a purse :) thanx for the opportunity to win a great prize

  24. Wow what a great book! A super give away! This has been a lot of fun discovering new blogs - which I have bookmark'd so I can visit again and again.

  25. I would love to take another class with you -- the downloadable "book" would be a real treat!

  26. I would love to take you Color THeory class.

  27. Terri W.9:31 AM

    I've quilted but never painted and quilted. Sounds like a great new technique to learn. I'd love to win the DVD and take your online class...Fun stuff!! Your work is beautiful!

  28. Your work is so amazing. Would love this video to add to my other one.

  29. I would love to win this package. I am most interested in your classes, Tsukineko All Purpose Inks or Tea and Ephemera. I enjoyed the binding blog today. Thanks!

  30. Love this giveaway.I would really enjoy learning more about you painting process. thanks

  31. Fun prizes. Would love to participate in the workshop/class.

    I have been exposed to lots of color information and I think this would complement the previous info from the world of watercolor painting!

  32. I would love to win the DVD and take just about any class you offer. I so enjoyed taking the Tsukineko class from you in Minneapolis. I took the color theory class online before, but wouldn't mind taking it again. Whatever you offer is just great. Thanks for the binding tutorial and the opportunity.

  33. Thank you for the colour theory give away. I've been working on my confidence with the colour wheel but I still have a lot to learn. I'd also like to learn more about using the Tsukineko inks and the fantastiks

  34. Color is always a challenge. It is fun to experiment, however. I seem to save the smallest bits of stuff that I might use sometime!

  35. I want to learn everything, but if I had to pick out one, I'd say non-traditional bindings.

  36. Hi Judy! Thanks for hosting this great giveaway. I'm a beginner when it comes to quilting so would be thrilled to learn any techniques you'd like to share.

  37. I would love to learn more about painting fabric!
    Thanks so much for doing this giveaway.

  38. I've always admired your painted quilts and figured it was a talent I just didn't have. But maybe . . . with the proper coaching . . .

  39. I just finished a challenge piece and the couched binding will add that certain something. Gel medium and art quilt--That's what peaks my interest. I've used it on canvas but not on my art quilts.

  40. I love painting on fabric and want to learn more! So , I would love to win!

  41. Really trying to expand my stitching abilities - would love to win the DVD and get into your class!

  42. I want to Design Paint and Stitch!!

  43. Interesting finishing technique-always something new to learn and try. Thanks.

  44. Color Theory is the class I always meant to take in college. I would LOVE to know more.

  45. For the first time I have painted my quilt, but I have so much to learn. I would be pleased with a book like this!
    gr. Marjolijn

  46. Thanks for the great tutorial - just the thing for some of my smaller pieces! Winning your generous giveaway could take my art in a whole new direction. Thanks for the opportunity.

  47. I think I would be most interested in the planning, marking and machine quilting. I do some art quilting and move along quite comfortably until I get to the quilting and I'm often stumped.

  48. As a devoted fan who never wins anything, could I just say: PICK ME!

  49. Judy - Thanks for the tutorial today...very nice touch to this blog roll, which I am enjoying this week. A nice introduction to some quilt artists I didn't know before.

  50. I am interested in trying to paint a whole cloth quilt. Winning the DVD would be a great guide. Thanks for sharing the twisted couched edging tutorial.

  51. I love to paint and I love to quilt....but I've never painted my own design and quilted it. I'm also intrigued by the metal that you add to these fabulous art quits!! I really want to learn how to do it - thanks for the opportunity!
    Liana B.

  52. sandy in ca10:41 AM

    Your work is so beautiful! I'd love to win this giveaway.

  53. I am most interested in the painting stage, properties of paints. I am fairly new to painting and dyeing fabrics and would like to feel more confident.
    I have couched yarns before to small projects as binding, and yes, it is slow. I do so love the effect though. it can be so perfect!
    thanks for being a part of this. really inspirational.

  54. I'm scared of my Setacolor paints! I bought them last year, and am afraid to paint...where to start?? Love your saturated colors and design style and want to learn from you.

  55. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I never thought of using couched yarns as a binding. Learn something new everyday. Thanks!


  56. Great tutorial! Thanks for the great giveaway.

  57. I'd absolutely LOVE to win a copy of your dvd!!! Thank you for offering it.

  58. I so admire your gorgeous painted quilts, Judy. I'd love to give it a try myself. (Still using the basics I learned in your color theory class last summer.)

  59. There is never enough color theory. I would love to win this book. Yeh!

  60. As I cant get to the USA to do a course with you, winning this prize would be the next best thing! Thank you for the tutorial.


  62. I'd love to learn about fabric painting. Your quilts are gorgeous. Thanks for the giveaway

  63. Wow... I was so impressed with first two images of your quilt, and then to see the WHOLE thing - AMAZING!!! I'd love to learn machine quilting from you. My work is headed in really great direction and I have some wonderful whole cloth dyed pieces that are really calling for some stitching and I haven't a clue where to begin or how it should go. Thank you for the opportunity to win your DVD and learn from you!

  64. i'm very interested in your online color theory class... i read an article by Faber Birren years ago, and his findings in the field of color psychology have stayed with me for decades, from how i decide on what to paint my walls to selecting fabrics and furnishings.

  65. Hi Judy, Having taken your color theory class (which I loved), I know that any class you give would be excellant! To those who have not taken it, this is a very indepth class in which you will learn a lot. I'd like to learn more about the Tsukinenko inks you use. And I'm mystified about how you attach tea bags to fabric. Guess I'll have to explore your Painted Threads Projects site more.

  66. I want, I want, I want....this video! I love your work, Judy. Beautiful stuff.

  67. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I love blog hops - and oooo a spot in the class! How exciting.

  68. I'm still trying to learn about the properties of paint. Good tutorial. I do couching on the edges of journal quilts and learned several things from it.

  69. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I love this giveaway and would be thrilled to win.
    Thank you for this opportunity.

  70. I loved seeing how you do a edge so I'm sure there are more epiphanal moments in there. I would love to be the lucky one.

  71. Love your creative ideas and inspiration. Transparency is of great interest to me right now.

    And your variety of finishes for the quilt edges is something else I've recently been exploring, so thanks again. Betsy

  72. Thank your for hosting a drawing. I'm always interested in what anyone has to say about color theory, but I'd be most interested in your process of using photo editing software to create your designs.

  73. Your dvds are the best!!! I would love to learn Tea & Ephemera from you. I love the aged, ethereal quality you achieve with that technique. Of course, you have yet to create anything that I don't love.

  74. I've always enjoyed your work. Thanks for the opportunity to win your lessons.

  75. Actually the whole enchilada sounds awesome. It's all new to me! But anytime I see the word paint and quilt together, I get excited!

  76. This is a new realm for me, so I'd be happy learning anything, but I would really love to learn some techniques for the Shiva Paintstiks I bought on a whim and have used, oh, once!

  77. I would love to learn any and everything, as I've never done any painting or printing on fabric before!

    The tutorial on couched binding was informative, learning new techniques is an ongoing interest.

  78. Thanks for your tutorial, it's a nice way to finish off a quilt. I would love to win your dvd, your work is stunning.

  79. Carla1:42 PM

    Thanks for the tutorial. Your Color Theory class is just what I need. I hope I win.

  80. Judy, I am really taken by how you paint on color to provide dimension and depth to what could be a plain flat quilt. Your use of contrasting threads to provide hightlights/ lowlights gives it even more complexity. So want to learn this. Would be happy to be chosen for this package.

  81. I love your work and can't imagine ever being able to do anything like it. I would love to someday learn how you do all those wonderful things with teabags. Thanks for the chance at the DVD and Color Theory class!

  82. Anonymous1:55 PM

    I've tried couching the edges without great success, but i'll have to try again now that i'm armed with your great tutorial's tips. Thanks so much. Now just imagine what i can do when i win your wonderful, informative DVD? Oh the places i'll go, and the glories i'll create. Thanks for a bit of fun today! I'll be back often...

  83. Your color theory class sounds like it would be a really fun on-line class to take. Thanks for offering it as part of the giveaway. I would be interesting in free style stitching on fabrics. Thanks!

  84. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Oh and just to add the most important info...i'd like to learn more about Machine quilting a wholecloth quilt; from planning and marking to batting, basting, and free-motion quilting.
    Then several non-traditional binding options for art quilts are covered. ... i don't think i was clear about that in my last post. See how much i need your help. Paying attention and returning often...

  85. Thanks for your instructions. I shall be trying this for sure. I would love to win your DVD. Thanks

  86. Amazing giveaway. Among those previous and with yours there isn't one that I wouldn't want to wih.

  87. I would love to have your dvd on painted whole cloth art quilts. I've been following your blog since my friends, Linda Friedman an Madeleine Bajracharya told me about you and your incredible artwork.

  88. As I have turned from quilting to drawing and painting (to be better abel to design my own quilts) I would love to learn how to turn that around and paint (on) my quilts!

  89. Hi Judy, I would most love to take your color theory class just to play with color because I love to play with color--what I "should" take, is one of your classes that deals with using the computer to modify and edit photos. I will always grab a paintbrush over my computer!! haha. I would love to win and a special thanks to you and the Artists for being so generous with their gifts.

  90. I would like to learn more about painting on fabric.

  91. Thank you for running this giveaway!

    If I could get to the USA, I would love to take any of your classes, but if I had to choose just one, it would probably be the Heavy Metal Play Day or Mixed Media Painted Fabric.

  92. I would love to take your painting on whole cloth. I love all your work.

  93. I would love your DVD and your online color theory class! Thank you so much! ~ Karen

  94. Judy,
    Took your class with paper/fabric/paint at Quilt Festival Houston in the past and I'm registered for the "ink" class this year. I'm interested in any of the surface design classes you teach.

  95. I would love to learn more about using tusukineko inks on fabrics. I am bad when it comes to color theory, I tend to throw things together without thinking about what colors I am using and why, lol.
    Have wanted to learn more about fabric painting and wholecloth.


  96. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Your work is wonderful. I love fabric painting. Color Theory would be a great class.

  97. Your DVD and class sound very exciting! Thank you for the opportunity to win them!
    Linda Harbin

  98. That is a hard call to make.
    I can narrow it down to the class about using Tsukineko inks as I like method classes, rather than project classes.
    Having said that Tea & Ephemera sounds interesting too and more method than project!

  99. ☆¨(◕‿-✿) ❀♫❤ ☼ oooOOOooo...Magical Metal Altars would be my pick. I am fascinated by altars and have yet to create one. The mix of metal, color and stitching is very beautiful. Thanks so much for your contribution, Judy! ☼ ❤♫❀(◕‿-✿)¨☆

  100. Sooo many choices. I am interested in making little mixed media books, and you have lots of techniques to work on each page, but a whole lesson would be terrific. Thanks.

  101. This is a fantastic giveaway! I would love to win it. Thanks for the chance. :) I would love to learn Mixed Media Painted Fabric and thanks for the tutorial.

  102. Great giveaway - the class would give a good push to actually DO - a painted wholecloth (although maybe not too huge ;)
    Thanks for the tutorial too.

  103. I have that dvd on my wish list! Thanks for sharing this method, I must try it :)

  104. I've never really painted on cloth so this would be quite exciting for me to learn. Thanks for this HOT giveaway! I'd be thrilled to win it!

  105. So many great classes. Tsukineko looks amazing.....but so does painted wholecloth!

  106. I would like to learn more about painting on cloth. Thank you for the tutorial and especially for the opportunity to join in your give away.

  107. I'd most love to learn all about the paints, painting, and techniques, but all the rest sounds great too. The photo editing stuff would be very helpful!

  108. Hi Judy, I'd LOVE to win your online Color Theory class! Some times we need a play with colour and I don't have a wheel - so much fun to make one. P.S. my word verification is 'mented' - a play on mentor (which you are) don't you think?

  109. I love the edge finishing technique you demoed. I had forgotten how important it is to edge stitch around the piece before the couching. I would love to win your DVD and to take a class from you.

  110. I would like to learn more about photo editing. I have the software but I just haven't got the hang of it. Thanks for the giveaway!

  111. What an awesome gift this would be. I would love to win this prize. I have always admired your work. Thank You for this chance and boy do I need a boost.

  112. It was a blast being in your class in June at MN Quilters. I can't wait to take my next class with you and would love to win this class and book.

  113. You work is beautiful and amazing!

    I think I would very much like to learn to paint fabric. Highlights and shading really eat my lunch!


  114. Gorgeous work! I could use some of your tips! Thanks for the generous offer!

  115. I enjoy your work and would love to learn the process. Thanks for the chance.

  116. Wow, I really want to examine your pictures more and wish I could see them in person. I am not sure I'm brave enough to attempt a whole cloth quilt, but would love the artistic experience of it. I'd like to learn how best to plan out space in a design.

  117. All of it but especially the painting! Love love love your blog and your amazing work. Thank you!

  118. I would love to learn your shading techniques...I have one of your previous DVD's and of course have watched your segments on QATV...


  119. I love your couched yarn binding and am very interested in types of paints for fabric surface treatment. I do a lot of painting on fabric but am never quite sure of the fastness of the paints in each circumstance. I am thrilled to be sharing in this great giveaway.

  120. Hi Judy, thanks for the tutorial for the binding!! Any class from you but especially painting on wholecloth quilts. On a different note, I signed up for your class in HOU and the word verification for this comment is... full ed...LOL! Keep on blogging and greetings from Austin, TX.

  121. I'd love to learn more about photo-editing software. I bought Corel Draw but have to get some help getting comfortable with it. Love your work....
    Martha Ginn

  122. Loved the rolled edge binding method! I'm working on a project that can really use it at the moment, so excellent timing! Now, I wonder what else I can learn from you. Would love to win!

  123. I love the colors! I would enjoy taking any of the online workshops but in particular the color theory or Tsukineko inks.

    Thanks! Becki

  124. Your work is an inspiration. Learning about your techniques, materials, and other suggestions through your instructional DVD would be a very enriching experience.

  125. Thank you for sharing your tutorial!

  126. Hi Judy,

    Imwould love sometime to take a class from you in whole cloth painting and quilting! I would love to be chosen:)

  127. Oh yeah! Nice prize. Count me in.

  128. Judy, I am interested in Mixed Media Painted Fabric as well as Tsukineko All Purpose Inks. Thank you for the opportunity to join in your giveaway! I enjoy reading you blog!

  129. Your quilt painting is just beautiful, and the tutorial is great too. I will try this method on one of my embroideries next I think. I have some great yarns that will work.

    Thank you!

  130. JUdy, thanks so much for including the binding tutorial! I'd love an opportunity to win the your DVD! ~Denise

  131. I would love to learn your painting techniques!

  132. thasnk you for giving us so much information on quilting. I am just beginn ing to quilt with the Eco-dyeing l have created. What an wonderful woman you are to give away these wonderful items. please include me in this draw as any information concerning fabric is what l live on..hax lynda

  133. Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to learn anything you would want to teach me! I know I could learn a lot! Stating with the Color Theory class would be great!

  134. I definitely need help with shading when painting on fabric. My results are always less than stellar!

  135. your book and class looks so full of great ideas!! I would learn so much from you! I would like to know about free motion stitching a bit more! ..

    ~vanessa karin Johanning

  136. I have been working on my color choices so your Color Theory class would be high on my list! I love to learn new processes. Your DVD looks incredible too! Thanks for the opportunity...

  137. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I have quilted before, but never painted and quilted!! Looks like a great technique to learn. Wow and an online class of yours would be a bonus! Thanks so much =)

    Terri W.

  138. This is beautiful and such a great giveaway. xx

  139. I'd love to learn more about painting fabric, and your couched binding tutorial is very intriguing. Thanks for doing this!

  140. Okay, #141 is going to be the lucky number! I love your painted whole-cloth backgrounds using inks -- would love to learn more about the process. So please choose my number!!


  141. I so love to see your style and colours....heres hoping my number comes out the hat! Thank you for the opportunity to take part.

  142. Anonymous2:43 PM

    In regards to what I would be interested in learning: everything.....but especially machine quilting.
    Thanks for the tutorial on couched binding.

  143. I'm most interested in learning color theory. Color has been the most challenging part of my art life -it seems weird to think an artist doesn't know color but it's an art in itself and you handle it with professional ease and creativity!! THANKS for the lovely imagery today :o)

  144. MaryAnn@SticksAndBroomstraws.com5:33 PM

    Judy, I love your wholecloth quilts so I'd like to learn about how you design them and of course, how you paint!

  145. That is easy. I would love a class on painting fabric! Wish I could make Create but maybe next time. Thanks for this opportunity.

  146. I woulod love to learn teh design process as well as painting. Thanks for the tut on binding.

  147. I love your blog and had good results with your faced binding technique. Love your decorative thread edge technique too. Would love the DVD of your design, paint and stitch - I have recently started painting some art quilts. Love the Art Spark group - you are all amazing!

  148. First, thank you for the mini-tutorial. I have never done this kind of quilting and would love to learn how. I want to learn how to do the free-motion sewing. Thank you.

  149. i would love to win this one, add to my repertoire of skills but to be honest i would absolutely love to take your fiesta ornaments or metal bird house class. i always go back to my old quilting arts and cloth paper scissors to check them out. any class with you would be great actually!

  150. Thanks for the couched binding tutorial. I've been investigating painting on fabric lately, but what really mystifies me is applying color theory to actually picking out fabrics. I understand about complimentary color scheme, etc. but can't seem to make things work in my actual quilts.

  151. The binding tut is great - loved the colours you used - thank you. Colour is an amazing thing. I went to a workshop at the Canberra quilt fair where we were told we need to use more greys to make our colours go zing. Your DVD would help me in this area to consolidate this plus of course a place in your class. I will keep my fingers crossed.LOL

  152. I really like how you shade the colours so this would be the very most interesting. Thanks for explaining your couching method.

  153. I've been eyeing your color theory class for some time now, but the timing has never been right. Hopefully, it will be one day soon!

  154. Karen A Becker10:59 AM

    I'm in your painting class next week in Lisle,can't wait!


  155. I took your Fiesta Ornaments class in Asheville earlier this year. We didn't have a lot of time to learn a lot of techniques on metal embossing, so I'd like to see more blogs about that.

  156. The technique of fabric painting is what drew me to your blog ~ I love your style and I would love to learn more about your process! Thanks for the opportunity to win ~

  157. Well, talented Lady, just about anything you have to offer, my creative brain would love to soak up and use in my art quilt journey. I'm new to the concept of using the sewing machine for art and drawing... but I'm a fast learner and am ready to go!
    Hugs to you,

  158. Good heavens - I have to choose just ONE? I am particualrly attracted to the Magical Metal Altars class title, but any painting or fiber painting.dying class would thrill me! Thanks for your generous offer. Sounds like your book is a must have! - Serena

  159. WOW. If this tutorial is an example of other fabulous 'new' ways to do things with fiber art, I would be extremely happy to receive your book!! Thanks for the great way to edge a quilt, and thanks for your offer - hope I win!

  160. I'm a quilting beginner, and I just bought a sewing machine, so I'm serious! I'd like to learn more about free-motion stitching.

  161. I posted a comment earlier but don't see it. I hope I win as I'm wanting to learn your free motion technique.

  162. I would LOVE to learn more about color theory. I have just ventured into mixed media and collage in the last year, and while I LOVE color, I find myself turning to the same color groupings over and over. I would love to know more about color theory so that I can A.) break out of my color comfort zone, B.) understand why certain colors work well together and C.) understand value, hue, saturation, etc. Thanks so much!!

  163. I would love to take your Color Theory Class. I have been dying fabric the last couple of days and color theory would be beneficial right now. Thanks!

  164. What a wonderful pair of prizes, I know that whomever wins will learn alot.

  165. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Thanks Judy for all the great techniques and inspiration. My dream is to do a whole cloth quilt! I would love to learn what you have to teach! Thanks again!

  166. I was just looking around different blogs and somehow I ended up here....OMGoodness, I am so amazed at what I have seen. I would love to learn anything you have to teach...I am new to quilting and have a lot of things to learn so I am a big sponge. I have sewn for years but never quilted much. Your blog has some wonderful info on it. Thanks!!!

  167. I would like to take your color theory class. thanks.

  168. I just started painting on fabric. I need help with design, your book would help. thanks for a chance to win it.

  169. I would love to learn more abour fabric painting and your tea bag painting is marvellous.
    Thank you for this beautiful giveaway.


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