
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Kits, kits, kits....

I keep thinking that I am almost ready for International Quilt Festival in Houston, when I realize there is so much more to do. It would be nice to have some time for art making, but right now it is all about putting kits together, and getting organized for Open Studios.

I am doing something new this year in Houston, I am participating in the Mixed Media Miscellany on Thursday, Nov. 4 from 2-4 pm. I will be demonstrating several of the techniques I used working with tea bags as a medium for collage, like I used in this piece.

There will evidently be 240 people going about the room to watch the demos during this event. I know many people have become interested in this process, so I decided to put some kits together that people can buy, since I know not everyone is as fool hardy as me and willing to stick strange stuff in their printers, lol. The kits have 2 tea bags printed with imagery, various (6) light weight decorative papers, a piece of printed dress pattern tissue, a page from an old book, a reproduction from an 1800's Montgomery Ward catalog,

4 tea stained empty tea bags, 2 pages of copyright free imagery that can be traced onto teabags and a postcard with an image of my quilt for inspiration.

This week, I also put together kits for my Make It University workshop on Saturday, Nov. 6 at 2:45 making the Origami Pop Up Book.

I brought the book sample home with me from the Long Beach show and of course, lost it and had to make another one yesterday.  Luckily, they are pretty quick to make, especially if all the pieces are cut to size and ready to go.

I hope to see you in Houston.


  1. Your kits are wonderful and I am sure that you will come home without any left overs!! I know that I would be purchasing at least one if I were able to get to Houston!! SOmeday!!! have a wonderful time!!!

  2. Love the kit idea! Is it only for Houston QF? You know I'd love to purchase it if you would be willing to mail it.

    Let me know and have fun in Houston!


  3. wow! you've got a factory going on! the kits are a fabulous idea. I just started working with the teabags, and I'm loving the look.
    see you in Houston!

  4. Hi Jojo,

    When I get back from Houston I may try putting kits together to sell online, I'll keep you posted.

  5. Color me green with envy! The classes sound fantastic and the kits just shout inspiration. Have fun!!!

  6. Yes, please keep us posted on the availability of kits after Houston! I'd be interested too! Your class looks wonderful!

  7. definitely sell them online - I want one!
    (did you know you can put paypal buy buttons right in your blog? We should try it eh?)


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