
Thursday, October 28, 2010

International Quilt Festival Houston

I am so excited Festival is next week, I can hardly wait! Although, I really do need time to pack, you have no idea how much teachers have to bring. Thank you Southwest for 2 free bags!

Even though it's a ton of work to prepare for, Festival is the highlight of my year, I love it! Gorgeous work to see, loads of inspiration, fun shopping, reconnecting with great friends, awesome events and classes, it's just the best! Those of you who still haven't been, you really should find away to get there one of these days, you won't be disappointed.

Here's a rundown of my teaching and demo schedule at Festival.

Tues, Nov 2-   Tsukineko Inks  (6 hour class)
Wed, Nov 3-   Color Theory  (6 hour class)
Thurs, Nov 4-  2 - 4 pm - Mixed Media Miscellany (Tea & Ephemera demo)
Fri, Nov 5-      12:40 - 2:40 pm - Open Studios at Make It University
Sat, Nov 6-     10 am - 12 pm - Open Studios at MIU
                      2:45 pm - Origami pop up book workshop at MIU
                      5:30 pm Surviving the Runway at MIU

then for the grand finale, dance until we drop at Gala on the Green at 7 pm! Woo hoo, too much fun!

If you see me at festival, please stop and say hi, I love meeting my blog readers.


  1. ...oh how I wish I could squeeze into one of those SW bags!!! Have an awesome time!

  2. Good news about SW -I was wondering how you get all of your supplies down there! I'm putting that event on my "want-to" list! Have fun -with all of the beautiful prep work you've been doing the Gala will be the cherry on top!

  3. I'll be there Weds eve through Saturday -- I'll come look for you!

  4. Have a great time, Judy, especially dancing till you drop! Katy and I had one of our best times together EVER at your class. You opened up a whole new world for both of us. Hope things are going well for you & your daughter - maybe one day you guys could teach a mother-daughter class together!

  5. Oh Ann, that is just the best compliment! Thank you! I hope it has inspired your daughter to learn to sew :-)

  6. I took my first class yesterday. It was so much fun. I am almost ready to leave for today's class. Looking forward to 5 PM tomorrow. Should be a blast as usual. This is my 11th festival and my 6-year-old granddaughters 3rd. She loves fabric, buttons, painting etc. Another quilter in the making!

  7. It was nice seeing your actual pieces. Colors are very vibrant.

    Sharon at e14studio

  8. It was so nice to meet you and Nina Perez on Friday afternoon! Thank you so much for telling me about your tree skirt pattern, I love it! I posted about you on my blog Pinkdilla. bye for now


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