
Mixed Media Portfolio

Take These Broken Wings   Judy Coates Perez   12" x 12"

Tea bags, aluminum & copper sheeting, textile paint quilting 

 Illustrated Document No. 1  Judy Coates Perez 12" x 12"

 cotton fabric, teabags, tea labels, dry cleaning tags, sewing pattern tissue, fabric with xeroxed imagery, textile paint, rubber stamps, Tsukineko inks, Shiva paint sticks, colored pencils, machine quilted on wool felt

Birds & Bees  Judy Coates Perez 16" x 16"
cotton fabric, teabags, wrapping paper, sewing pattern tissue, rice paper, textile paint, machine quilted

Cicada House   Judy Coates Perez   22 1/2" x 9" x 4"

cotton fabric, printed paper images, textile paint, heavy weight interfacing, craft metal, machine quilted

Dream Houses   Judy Coates Perez   6" x 6" x 12"   6" x 6" x 9"

cotton fabric, printed paper images, textile paint, heavy weight interfacing, craft metal, machine quilted

Birds & Bees  Judy Coates Perez  4" x 4"
 Canvas book with embossed painted copper covers

Flora  Judy Coates Perez  4" x 4"
Canvas book with embossed painted copper covers

 Bird's Eye View  Judy Coates Perez  6" x 9"
Painted fabric, quilted, stitched and embossed metal